108 Honey, so do I! 亲爱的,我也要!
We were discussing the “don'ts” of public speaking in the PR class I teach. “Don'ts” include a man reaching into his pant pocket and jangling change as he speaks, which is very distracting. To illustrate my point, I asked for a student volunteer, saying, “I need a man with coins in his pocket.” What I got was a girl yelling out, “Honey, so do I!”在我教的公共关系课上,我们正在讨论公共场合讲话时“不要做什么”。其中有一项就是男人在讲话的时候,不要把手伸进裤子口袋,把硬币弄得哗哗响。这会分散注意力。为了阐明我的观点,我要一个学生做示范。我说:“我要的是一个男人,口袋里有硬币。”结果,一个女孩大叫说:“亲爱的,我也要!”