155 Still Half Glass of Water 还是半杯水
During his speech at my graduation, Bill Cosby was making the point that true wisdom comes not from a classroom but from life. When he was in college, he said, his class endlessly discussed the question: Is the glass half full or half empty? So Cosby asked his grandmother the same question. She had it all figured out: “Depends on whether you're pouring or drinking.”(著名黑人喜剧演员)比尔·考斯比在我们毕业典礼上发表演说。他的观点是,真正的智慧不是来自课堂,而是来自生活。他说,在他上大学的时候,他们班上没完没了地讨论一个问题:玻璃杯里是一半满还是一半空。于是他就拿这个问题去问他的奶奶。他的奶奶把这个问题讲得很透彻:“这要看你是添水还是喝水。”