164 A Deviled Egg 一个魔鬼蛋
Eight and a half months pregnant, I was in no shape for any conventional costume. Still, I wanted to go to a costume party, so I painted a big yellow circle on an extra-extra-large white T-shirt, dug a pair of red devil horns out of my kids' Halloween junk pile... and went as a deviled egg.我怀孕八个半月了,什么常规的戏装都穿不进去了。可我还想去参加化装舞会。于是,我在特大特大号T恤衫上画一个大大的黄色的圈,又从孩子们丢弃的万圣节戏装里找出两个红色的魔鬼角。我作为一个魔鬼蛋出席了。