212 I want to get out of here 我想要从这里出去
I was reviewing my client's case with him in prison when it was announced that visitors had 15 minutes to leave or be locked in for the three-hour prisoner head count. I bade my client farewell and left. But somehow, I managed to get lost on my way out. Desperate for directions to the exit, I noticed some men wearing orange jumpsuits. I called out to one of them, a no-neck, barrel-chested man. “Sir,” I said, “I want to get out of here.” He shrugged. “So do I.”我正在监狱里和我的委托人一起仔细讨论他的案情,有通知说探访者必须在15分钟之内离开,否则在查点犯人人数的三个小时期间不能出去。我向委托人告了别,就离开了。可是,不知怎么就走迷了路。情急之中,看见几个穿着桔色连衫裤的男子,就喊其中一个膀大腰圆的男子:“先生,我想要从这里出去。”他耸了耸肩膀说:“我也想。”