236 Checkout at 11 a.m 离馆时间上午11点
After a few rough years, I decided to let my son try the rigid structure of the military. Once he'd completed basic training, he took a two-day assignment. Midmorning on the second day, I was surprised to receive a call from my son, who was still at his hotel. “Why aren't you on the road yet?” I asked. “Well, I'm all ready to go, Dad,” he replied, “but the sign on the door says, ‘Checkout at 11 a.m.’”经过几个不平静的年头,我决定让儿子去接受军队严格的管束。他在完成基本的训练之后,接受了一个两天的任务。第二天上午十点多钟,我接到儿子从旅馆打来的电话,我吃惊地问他为什么还不上路。他回答说:“爸爸,我已经准备好要走了。可是门上的牌子说‘离馆时间上午11点’。”