1000 Howard be thy name... 霍华德是你的名字
A blonde dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates, where she is greeted by St. Peter.
“Welcome!” he says. “Because we are currently operating at 99% capacity, we can only let a limited number of souls into heaven. Therefore, you must answer my questions correctly to gain entrance.” “Okay,” says the blonde. “Here's your question: name two days of the week that begin with the letter T.” “That's easy. Today and tomorrow!” “Well, that's not the answer I was thinking of, but I'll give you another question. How many seconds are there in a year?” “That's easy. Twelve! January second, February second, March second...” “Okay, okay. I can see you misunderstood this question as well. Okay, one more chance. What's God's name?” “That's easy. Howard!” “Howard?” “You know... Our Father, which art in heaven, Howard be thy name...”
一个金发女郎死后到了珍珠门,圣彼得向她致意:“欢迎。因为我们现在已经99%满员,所以我们只能让有限的灵魂进天堂。你必须正确地回答我的几个问题才能进来。”金发女郎说:“行。”“这里是你的问题:说出一星期里哪两天是由字母T开始的。”“这很容易,今天和明天。”“嗯,这不是我要的答案。不过我可以问你另外一个问题:一年有多少秒?”“这很容易,12个。一月二日,二月二日,三月二日……”“得了,得了。我看这个问题你也理解错了。再给你最后一次机会:上帝的名字叫什么?”“这很容易,霍华德。”“霍华德?”“我们在天上的父,霍华德是你的名字(圣经,主祷文。应该是Hallowed be thy name愿尊你的名为圣)。”