1. The new baby
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had a seven-year-old boy named Pat.Now Mrs. Taylor was expecting1 another child. Pat had seen babies in other people's houses and had not liked them very much, so he was not delighted2 about the news that there was soon going to be one in his house too.
One evening Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were making plans for the baby's arrival3.
This house won't be big enough for us all when the baby comes, said Mr. Taylor.
Pat came into the room just then and said, "What are you talking about?"
We were saying that we'll have to move to another house now, because the new baby's coming, his mother answered.
It's no use, said Pat hopelessly. "He'll follow us there."
1. expect 期待
2. delighted 高兴的
3. arrival 到达
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