012 兔子和大蟒 Rabbit and python
An adorable little girl walked into my pet shop and asked,"Excuse me,do you have any rabbits here"
"I do," I answered,leaning down to her eye level,and asked,"Do you want a white rabbit or would you rather have a soft,fuzzy black rabbit"
She shrugged."I don't think my python really cares."
我回答说:"有啊。" 并且弯腰凑到她眼前问:"你是喜欢白色的兔子,还是喜欢软软的、 毛茸茸的黑兔子?"
adorable a. 可爱的 fuzzy a. 毛茸茸的
shrug v. 耸( 肩) n. 耸肩 python n. 蟒,蚺蛇