儿童英语笑话 刚去过 Just have been there
教程:英语幽默  浏览:239  
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    023 刚去过 Just have been there

    A father asked his 5-year-old daughter,"Who do you love better, dad or mom"

    "I love you both!"

    "If dad was to Disneyland and mom was to Paris,where would you go"

    "I want to go to Paris."


    "Because Paris is more beautiful!"

    "What if dad was to Paris and mom was to Disneyland"

    "Of course I am going to Disneyland !"


    "Because I have just been in Paris!"

    爸爸问 5 岁的女儿:"爸爸和妈妈你更爱谁?"










      上一篇:儿童英语笑话 未来的弟弟 The future brother 下一篇:儿童英语笑话 求求你,让她停下来 Please,make her stop

