035 终生的惩罚 A life⁃time punishment
Even though I'm in my 30s I still stop by my parents' house to mow their lawn. One afternoon,the kid next door was cutting his grass at the same time."It's punishment for skipping a day of school," he explained."Why are you still doing your folks' yard" "Because I cut a class when I was your age," I said with a straight face. I'm told he's had perfect attendance ever since. 我虽然已经 30 多岁了,但是仍然为我父母家修剪草坪。 一天下午,隔壁邻居家的男孩正好也在修剪草坪。 他说:"我是因为逃学一天受到惩罚,你为什么还给你父母家修剪草坪?" 我一脸严肃地说:"因为我像你那么大的时候逃了一节课。" 后来我听说他再也没有逃学。 mow v. 割 lawn n. 草地,草坪punishment n. 处罚,惩罚 attendance n. 到场,出席人数