041 小花招 A small trick
One woman took a walk with her two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and started chatting with other mothers. The little girl saw an older boy was playing with an attractive toy,and wanted to play as well. But, instead of grabbing the toy,she went to the boy's mother and asked for a hug. The woman happily held her. Seeing this,the little boy put down his toy,and ran over to his own mother. So,the little girl easily got the toy. 一个女子带着 2 岁半的女儿散步,和其他妈妈们聚到一起聊起了天。小女孩看见一个比她大的男孩在玩一个很好玩的玩具,很想要玩,但是她没有去抢,而是走到那个小男孩的妈妈面前让她抱。 男孩的妈妈高兴地去抱她。 那个小男孩看见了,放下手里的玩具,跑过来要自己妈妈抱。 于是,小女孩顺利地拿到了玩具。hug v. 搂 n. 紧紧拥抱