学生英语笑话 比较相信学生 Trust student better
教程:英语幽默  浏览:190  
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    095 比较相信学生 Trust student better

    The computer in my classroom recently started acting up. After watching me struggle with it,one of my students took over."Your hard drive crashed," he said. I called the computer services office and explained,"My computer is down. The hard drive crashed."

    "We can't just send people down on your say-so. How do you know that's the problem"

    "A student told me," I answered.

    "We'll send someone over right away."


    "我们不能 光 凭 你 这 么 说 说 就 派 人 过 去,你 怎 么 知 道 是 硬 盘 出 问题了?"



      上一篇:学生英语笑话 我家里最老的东西 The oldest thing in my house 下一篇:学生英语笑话 秘密 A secret

