CHAPTER 10 page 80 ;
Stanley's International Restaurant ;
Stanley's International Restaurant is a very special place. ;
Every day Stanley cooks a different kind of food. ;
On Monday he cooks Italian food.On Tuesday he cooks Greek food. ;
On Wednesday he cooks Chinese food. On Thursday he cooks Puerto Rican food. ;
On Friday he cooks Japanese food.On Saturday he cooks Mexican food. ;
And on Sunday he cooks American food. ;
A.What kind of food does Stanley cook on Monday? ;
B.On Mondays he cooks Italian food. ;
Ask questions ;
A.Does Stanley cook Greek food on Tuesday? B.Yes,he does. ;
Ask questions ;
A.Does Stanley cook Japanese food on Sunday? ;
B.No,he doesn't. A.When does he cook Japanese food? ;
B.He cooks Japanese food on Friday. ;
Ask questions ;
page 81 A.Do you go to Stanley's Restaurant on Wednesday? ;
B.Yes,I do. A.Why? B.Because I like Chinese food. ;
Do exercise 1 to 4 ;
A.Do you go to Stanley's Restaurant on Sunday? ;
B.No,I don't. A.Why not? B.Because I don't like American food. ;
Do exercise 5 to 8 ;
A.What kind of food do you like? B.I like Russian food. ;
A.When do you go to Stanley's Restaurant? B.I don't go there. A.Why not? ;
B.Because Stanley doesn't cook Russian food. ;
Do exercise 9 to 12 ;
page 82 ;
A.What do people do at Stanley's International Restaurant? ;
B.On Monday they speak Italian,eat Italian food, ;
drink Italian wine,and listen to Italian music. ;
Do exercise 1 to 3 ;
1.Henry likes Greek food.When does he go to Stanley's Restaurant? ;
What does he do there? ;
2.Alice likes Mexican food.When does she go to Stanley's Restaurant? ;
What does she do there? ;
3.Mr.and Mrs.Wilson go to Stanley's Restaurant on Wednesday. ;
What kind of food do they like? What do they do there? ;
4.What kind of food do you like? When do you go to Stanley's Restaurant? ;
What do you do there? ;
page 83 CLASSROOM DRAMA:You Speak English Very Well ;
Listen ;
Robert.You speak English very well. No,I don't. Yes,you do. ;
No,I don't. Yes,you do.Ask Maria. Maria.Do I speak English very well? ;
No,you don't. Yes,I do.No,you don't. Yes,I do. Ask the teacher. ;
Does he speak English very well? Yes,he does. ;
No,he doesn't. Yes,I DO. ;
page 84 ;
Every weekend is important to the Franklin family. ;
During the week they don't have very much time together, ;
but they spend A LOT of time together on the weekend. ;
Mr.Franklin works at the shoe store downtown during the week, ;
but he doesn't work there on the weekend. ;
Mrs.Franklin works at the city hospital during the week, ;
but she doesn't work there on the weekend. ;
Body and Sally Franklin go to the elementary school during the week, ;
but they don't go there on the weekend. And the Franklin's dog,Rover, ;
stays home alone during the week,but he doesn't stay home alone on the weekend. ;
On Saturday and Sunday the Franklins spend their time together. ;
On Saturday morning they clean the house together. ;
On Saturday afternoon they work in the garden together. ;
And on Saturday evening they sit in the living room and watch TV together. ;
On Sunday morning they go to church together. ;
On Sunday afternoon they have a big dinner together. ;
And on Sunday evening they play their musical instruments together. ;
As you can see,every weekend is special to the Franklins. ;
It's their only time together as a family. ;
page 85 Listening ;
Choose the best answer to finish the sentence. ;
Alice is a very outgoing person.She spends a lot of time with her friends. ;
She goes to parties. She goes to movies.And she goes to night clubs. ;
She's very popular. She also likes sports very much.She plays basketball. ;
She plays baseball.And she plays volleyball. She's very athletic. ;
Alice doesn't stay home alone very often. She doesn't read many books. ;
She doesn't watch TV. And she doesn't listen to music.She's very active. ;
As you can see,Alice is a very outgoing person. ;
CHAPTER 11 How Often? ;
A.How often does your boyfriend call you? B.He calls me every night. ;
Do exercise 1 to 8 ;
page 91 She Usually Studies in the Library ;
A.Does Carmen usually study in her room? ;
B.No,She rarely studies in her room. She usually studies in the library. ;
Do exercise 1 to 6 ;
page 92 We Have Noisy Neighbors ;
A.Do you have quiet neighbors? B.No.We have noisy neighbors. ;
Do exercise 1 to 6 ;
page 93 ON YOUR OWN:Very Different ;
My brother and I took very different.I have brown eyes and he has blue eyes. ;
We both have brown hair,but I have short, curly hair and he has long, ;
straight hair.I'm tall and thin.He's short and heavy. ;
As you can see,I don't look like my brother. We look very different. ;
My sister and I are very different.I'm a teacher.She's a journalist. ;
I live in Chicago.She lives in Paris.I have a small house in the suburbs. ;
She has a large apartment in the city. I'm married. She's single. ;
I play golf.She plays tennis.I play the piano. ;
She doesn't play a musical instrument. ;
On the weekend I usually watch TV and rarely go out. ;
She never watches TV and always goes to parties. ;
As you can see,we're very different.But we're sisters...and we're friends. ;
My husband and I are very lucky.We have many close friends in this city, ;
and they're all interesting people. ;
Our friend Greta is an actress.We see her when she isn't making a movie in Hollywood. ;
When we get together with her, ;
she always tells us about her life in Hollywood as a movie star. ;
Greta is a very close friend. ;
We like her very much. ;
Our friend Dan is a scientist.We see him when he isn't busy in his laboratory. ;
When we get together with him,he always tells us about his new experiments. ;
Dan is a very close friend.We like him very much. ;
Our friends Bob and Carol are famous newspaper reporters. ;
We see them when they aren't traveling around the world. ;
When we get together with them,they always tell us about their conversations ;
with presidents and prime ministers. ;
Bob and Carol are very close friends.We like them very much. ;
Unfortunately,we don't see Greta,Dan,Bob,and Carol very often. ;
In fact,we rarely see them because they're usually so busy. ;
But we think about them all the time. ;
page 95 Listening Who and what are they talking about? ;
CHAPTER 12 Page 98 I Always Cry When I'm Sad ;
Why are you crying? I'm crying because I'm sad. ;
I ALWAYS cry when I'm sad. ;
Do exercise 1 to 10 ;
page 100 I'm Washing the Dishes in the Bathtub ;
A.What are you doing? B.I'm washing the dishes in the bathtub. ;
A.That's strange! Do you USUALLY wash the dishes in the bathtub? ;
B.No,I NEVER wash the dishes in the bathtub. ;
but I'm washing the dishes in the bathtub TODAY. ;
A.Why are you doing THAT?! B.Because my sink is broken. ;
A.I'm sorry to hear that. ;
Do exercise 1 to 5 ;
Mr.Blaine is the president of the Acme Insurance Company. ;
His company is very large and always very busy. ;
Mr.Blaine has a staff of energetic employees who work for him. ;
Unfortunately,all of his employees are out today.Nobody is there. ;
As a result,Mr.Blaine is doing everybody's job, ;
and he's having a VERY bad day at the office! ;
He's answering the telephone ;
because the receptionist ;
who usually answers it is at the dentist's office. ;
He's typing letters because the secretary ;
who usually types them is at home in bed with the flu. ;
He's operating the computer because the computer programmer ;
who usually operates it is on vacation. ;
He's even fixing the radiator because the custodian who usually fixes it is on strike. ;
Poor Mr.Blaine!It's a very busy day at the Acme Insurance Company, ;
and nobody is there to help him.He's having a VERY bad day at the office! ;
page 102 Listening Listen and choose the best answer. ;
Early Monday morning in usually a very busy time in Centerville. ;
Men and women usually rush to their jobs. Some people walk to work, ;
some people drive,and others take the bus. Children usually go to school. ;
Some children walk to school,some children take the school bus., ;
and others ride their bicycles,The city is usually very busy. ;
Trucks deliver food to the supermarkets,mail carriers deliver mail to homes and ;
businesses,and police officers direct traffic at every corner. ;
Yes,early Monday morning is usually a very busy time in Centerville. ;
CHAPTER 10 page 80 ;
Stanley's International Restaurant ;
Stanley's International Restaurant is a very special place. ;
Every day Stanley cooks a different kind of food. ;
On Monday he cooks Italian food.On Tuesday he cooks Greek food. ;
On Wednesday he cooks Chinese food. On Thursday he cooks Puerto Rican food. ;
On Friday he cooks Japanese food.On Saturday he cooks Mexican food. ;
And on Sunday he cooks American food. ;
A.What kind of food does Stanley cook on Monday? ;
B.On Mondays he cooks Italian food. ;
Ask questions ;
A.Does Stanley cook Greek food on Tuesday? B.Yes,he does. ;
Ask questions ;
A.Does Stanley cook Japanese food on Sunday? ;
B.No,he doesn't. A.When does he cook Japanese food? ;
B.He cooks Japanese food on Friday. ;
Ask questions ;
page 81 A.Do you go to Stanley's Restaurant on Wednesday? ;
B.Yes,I do. A.Why? B.Because I like Chinese food. ;
Do exercise 1 to 4 ;
A.Do you go to Stanley's Restaurant on Sunday? ;
B.No,I don't. A.Why not? B.Because I don't like American food. ;
Do exercise 5 to 8 ;
A.What kind of food do you like? B.I like Russian food. ;
A.When do you go to Stanley's Restaurant? B.I don't go there. A.Why not? ;
B.Because Stanley doesn't cook Russian food. ;
Do exercise 9 to 12 ;
page 82 ;
A.What do people do at Stanley's International Restaurant? ;
B.On Monday they speak Italian,eat Italian food, ;
drink Italian wine,and listen to Italian music. ;
Do exercise 1 to 3 ;
1.Henry likes Greek food.When does he go to Stanley's Restaurant? ;
What does he do there? ;
2.Alice likes Mexican food.When does she go to Stanley's Restaurant? ;
What does she do there? ;
3.Mr.and Mrs.Wilson go to Stanley's Restaurant on Wednesday. ;
What kind of food do they like? What do they do there? ;
4.What kind of food do you like? When do you go to Stanley's Restaurant? ;
What do you do there? ;
page 83 CLASSROOM DRAMA:You Speak English Very Well ;
Listen ;
Robert.You speak English very well. No,I don't. Yes,you do. ;
No,I don't. Yes,you do.Ask Maria. Maria.Do I speak English very well? ;
No,you don't. Yes,I do.No,you don't. Yes,I do. Ask the teacher. ;
Does he speak English very well? Yes,he does. ;
No,he doesn't. Yes,I DO. ;
page 84 ;
Every weekend is important to the Franklin family. ;
During the week they don't have very much time together, ;
but they spend A LOT of time together on the weekend. ;
Mr.Franklin works at the shoe store downtown during the week, ;
but he doesn't work there on the weekend. ;
Mrs.Franklin works at the city hospital during the week, ;
but she doesn't work there on the weekend. ;
Body and Sally Franklin go to the elementary school during the week, ;
but they don't go there on the weekend. And the Franklin's dog,Rover, ;
stays home alone during the week,but he doesn't stay home alone on the weekend. ;
On Saturday and Sunday the Franklins spend their time together. ;
On Saturday morning they clean the house together. ;
On Saturday afternoon they work in the garden together. ;
And on Saturday evening they sit in the living room and watch TV together. ;
On Sunday morning they go to church together. ;
On Sunday afternoon they have a big dinner together. ;
And on Sunday evening they play their musical instruments together. ;
As you can see,every weekend is special to the Franklins. ;
It's their only time together as a family. ;
page 85 Listening ;
Choose the best answer to finish the sentence. ;
Alice is a very outgoing person.She spends a lot of time with her friends. ;
She goes to parties. She goes to movies.And she goes to night clubs. ;
She's very popular. She also likes sports very much.She plays basketball. ;
She plays baseball.And she plays volleyball. She's very athletic. ;
Alice doesn't stay home alone very often. She doesn't read many books. ;
She doesn't watch TV. And she doesn't listen to music.She's very active. ;
As you can see,Alice is a very outgoing person. ;
CHAPTER 11 How Often? ;
A.How often does your boyfriend call you? B.He calls me every night. ;
Do exercise 1 to 8 ;
page 91 She Usually Studies in the Library ;
A.Does Carmen usually study in her room? ;
B.No,She rarely studies in her room. She usually studies in the library. ;
Do exercise 1 to 6 ;
page 92 We Have Noisy Neighbors ;
A.Do you have quiet neighbors? B.No.We have noisy neighbors. ;
Do exercise 1 to 6 ;
page 93 ON YOUR OWN:Very Different ;
My brother and I took very different.I have brown eyes and he has blue eyes. ;
We both have brown hair,but I have short, curly hair and he has long, ;
straight hair.I'm tall and thin.He's short and heavy. ;
As you can see,I don't look like my brother. We look very different. ;
My sister and I are very different.I'm a teacher.She's a journalist. ;
I live in Chicago.She lives in Paris.I have a small house in the suburbs. ;
She has a large apartment in the city. I'm married. She's single. ;
I play golf.She plays tennis.I play the piano. ;
She doesn't play a musical instrument. ;
On the weekend I usually watch TV and rarely go out. ;
She never watches TV and always goes to parties. ;
As you can see,we're very different.But we're sisters...and we're friends. ;
My husband and I are very lucky.We have many close friends in this city, ;
and they're all interesting people. ;
Our friend Greta is an actress.We see her when she isn't making a movie in Hollywood. ;
When we get together with her, ;
she always tells us about her life in Hollywood as a movie star. ;
Greta is a very close friend. ;
We like her very much. ;
Our friend Dan is a scientist.We see him when he isn't busy in his laboratory. ;
When we get together with him,he always tells us about his new experiments. ;
Dan is a very close friend.We like him very much. ;
Our friends Bob and Carol are famous newspaper reporters. ;
We see them when they aren't traveling around the world. ;
When we get together with them,they always tell us about their conversations ;
with presidents and prime ministers. ;
Bob and Carol are very close friends.We like them very much. ;
Unfortunately,we don't see Greta,Dan,Bob,and Carol very often. ;
In fact,we rarely see them because they're usually so busy. ;
But we think about them all the time. ;
page 95 Listening Who and what are they talking about? ;
CHAPTER 12 Page 98 I Always Cry When I'm Sad ;
Why are you crying? I'm crying because I'm sad. ;
I ALWAYS cry when I'm sad. ;
Do exercise 1 to 10 ;
page 100 I'm Washing the Dishes in the Bathtub ;
A.What are you doing? B.I'm washing the dishes in the bathtub. ;
A.That's strange! Do you USUALLY wash the dishes in the bathtub? ;
B.No,I NEVER wash the dishes in the bathtub. ;
but I'm washing the dishes in the bathtub TODAY. ;
A.Why are you doing THAT?! B.Because my sink is broken. ;
A.I'm sorry to hear that. ;
Do exercise 1 to 5 ;
Mr.Blaine is the president of the Acme Insurance Company. ;
His company is very large and always very busy. ;
Mr.Blaine has a staff of energetic employees who work for him. ;
Unfortunately,all of his employees are out today.Nobody is there. ;
As a result,Mr.Blaine is doing everybody's job, ;
and he's having a VERY bad day at the office! ;
He's answering the telephone ;
because the receptionist ;
who usually answers it is at the dentist's office. ;
He's typing letters because the secretary ;
who usually types them is at home in bed with the flu. ;
He's operating the computer because the computer programmer ;
who usually operates it is on vacation. ;
He's even fixing the radiator because the custodian who usually fixes it is on strike. ;
Poor Mr.Blaine!It's a very busy day at the Acme Insurance Company, ;
and nobody is there to help him.He's having a VERY bad day at the office! ;
page 102 Listening Listen and choose the best answer. ;
Early Monday morning in usually a very busy time in Centerville. ;
Men and women usually rush to their jobs. Some people walk to work, ;
some people drive,and others take the bus. Children usually go to school. ;
Some children walk to school,some children take the school bus., ;
and others ride their bicycles,The city is usually very busy. ;
Trucks deliver food to the supermarkets,mail carriers deliver mail to homes and ;
businesses,and police officers direct traffic at every corner. ;
Yes,early Monday morning is usually a very busy time in Centerville. ;