Nigerian President Bala Timbu, writing a column for CNN that was published Wednesday, said Nigeria had initiated programs to transition from fossil fields, but that the country needs $10 billion every year until 2060 to achieve its transition plan.
尼日利亚总统巴拉·廷布在周三发表的 CNN 专栏文章中表示,尼日利亚已启动从化石能源领域转型的计划,但该国每年需要 100 亿美元才能实现其转型计划,直到 2060 年。
Steel experts say the COP 28th deal could be a turning point for the world if the political will and money are found to achieve the goals that were set. Semifi Obezo, Vioeneus, Abuja, Nigeria.
钢铁专家表示,如果能找到实现既定目标的政治意愿和资金,第 28 届COP协议可能成为世界的转折点。来自尼日利亚阿布贾,Semifi Obezo Vioeneus为您报道。