[00:03.81]The overthrow of a son
[00:07.65]Mr.Jones' frustration was overwhelming.
[00:12.80]He had always had an outstanding credit rating
[00:17.24]and now he was getting overdraft notices from his bank.
[00:21.89]His son,an overgrown child still living at home at the age of 35,
[00:29.02]had overreached his liberty and taken money without Mr.Jones' approval.
[00:35.58]His son was overdue for a dose of reality
[00:40.93]and Mr.Jones was going to give it to him
[00:45.09]no matter how outspoken the son became to Mrs.Jones.
[00:50.55]From the outset,his son fought with Mr.Jones,
[00:55.82]blaming his own overall dismal life on his parents.
[01:00.97]But Mr.Jones was too overcome to let his son overshadow him again
[01:07.13]and he told the son he had to move out that day!
[01:11.89]When Mrs.Jones came in she saw immediately that her husband was overstrained
[01:18.86]and that she had perhaps overrated his fathering abilities.
[01:24.32]She had also perhaps
[01:27.67]overlooked her son's potential impact on their relationship with the bank.
[01:33.83]This was too much for him.
[01:37.07]She had always outstripped her husband before,
[01:41.72]but this time she saw that his arguments outweighed hers
[01:47.15]and she agreed that the son should move out.
[01:51.52]The son had been overthrown.
[01:55.07]In his overview of the situation
[01:59.01]he had never thought his mother would side with his father.
[02:03.69]Now he would have to leave,find his own place and live off his own output,
[02:10.64]something he had never done.
[02:14.19]When the parents finished overseeing the departure of their son
[02:19.47]they smiled at each other
[02:22.81]and hoped that their own relationship would now improve.
[02:27.49]Days later,however,they had their own personal problems
[02:32.76]when they realized that they no longer had anything in common;
[02:37.73]their lives had only overlapped when it came to dealing with their son!
[02:43.68]owe -- paradise Island Parade
[02:49.14]The parade to the Pantheon
[02:52.67]added to the panorama of a beautiful city located on the Mediterranean Sea.
[02:59.51]The unique landscape and beautiful water
[03:03.95]were the result of continental shift during the Paleolithic time period
[03:10.01]and high levels of oxide in the water.
[03:14.77]The city itself was also ancient and rich in culture.
[03:20.05]Turnout was therefore excellent and tourists to Greek island
[03:26.00]were sure that this was paradise.
[03:29.76]The palm trees were blowing,the sky was clear,
[03:34.73]formerly pale Caucasians were browning,
[03:39.09]and the painstaking pace of normal life was slowed and almost forgotten.
[03:45.65]Life couldn't be better than this
[03:49.80]and many tourists were already planning to make this their regular vacation spot.
[03:56.64]But the event was hardly palatable to the locals.
[04:03.10]As they padded down the packed road
[04:07.07]they knew that the packaging of the event was working.
[04:11.72]But tourists didn't know
[04:15.09]that a well-organized panel of businessmen had practically forced locals
[04:21.15]to conduct the parade.
[04:24.80]Serious conflict had almost occurred.
[04:29.17]And when pamphlets in the local language were strongly against participation,
[04:35.72]several of the elders in town had to step in to
[04:41.00]pacify the troublemakers and their families.
[04:45.65]The elders assured everyone
[04:50.12]that without tourism there was sure to be panic about how to earn a living.
[04:56.46]They said that,while it might be unpleasant,
[05:00.72]the ownership of the businessmen over them was necessary.
[05:06.18]They also said that locals owed their high standard of living
[05:11.75]to selling good tourist packages.
[05:15.53]Their argument won out and the parade went on.
[05:20.57]The tourists continued to enjoy themselves.
[05:24.65]What you don't know can't hurt you.
[05:28.91]paradox -- patent A company built on a paradox
[05:37.45]It was an interesting paradox that
[05:41.81]the founder of the most successful pasteurization company in America
[05:47.45]was allergic to milk and partial to horses!
[05:51.84]But how he had founded the company created numerous patents
[05:57.59]and sold the nation on his brand of milk
[06:01.74]without ever drinking a drop was a mystery to quite a few.
[06:07.39]His partners made sure this secret was never and business continued to boom.
[06:14.15]Their strategy to ensure this was paramount to the success of the company
[06:20.79]They just let the founder have fun,
[06:24.73]as if he were living in a parallel universe where there were no secrets to hide.
[06:30.97]They were particularly willing to let the founder spend most of his time traveling,
[06:37.43]where he could participate in public relations activities,
[06:42.47]spread passion for the company name a nd enjoy himself.
[06:47.43]Several other partners even joked
[06:51.79]that it was like keeping a cow out in the pasture
[06:56.34]while the rest were getting milked!
[06:59.71]When the founder became paralyzed in a paragliding accident,
[07:06.06]things became a little bit more difficult.
[07:09.84]The founder had always been a passionate participant of daring adventures,
[07:16.38]but this time his assistants had been too passive
[07:21.52]in preparing the safety devices and the founder had been seriously injured.
[07:27.69]His paralysis made front page!
[07:31.84]The partners were standing by when things went from bad to worse.
[07:38.08]A reporter insisted that the founder drink some milk while he was in the hospital.
[07:44.46]The paradoxical mystery was exposed when the founder drank
[07:50.70]it and then spit the milk everywhere in revulsion.
[07:55.38]Cameras captured particles of food flying
[08:00.24]and white particulate matter all over the founder's face.
[08:05.28]It was a public relations nightmare!The company crashed!
[08:10.45]To paraphrase this story:
[08:14.00]If you take a bull by the horns,you sometimes get bucked!
[08:19.33]patently -- perception A patterning pathology
[08:29.18]Mark had a patently strange pathology;he was obsessed with patterning.
[08:38.24]This meant that he was always looking at the ground when he walked,
[08:43.81]watching the patterns that were paved there.
[08:47.96]It also meant that he counted obsessively when he walked,
[08:54.44]could never break himself away from a pendulum,
[08:59.17]and constantly pausing on the street while comparing pedestrians,
[09:04.81]especially during peak hours.
[09:08.47]People would have perceived him as a freak
[09:12.83]if he had not had several strong patrons
[09:15.31]如果没有几位有权势 的庇护人
[09:17.79]concerned about helping him in his condition.
[09:22.05]They made sure that Mark was not penalized by society!
[09:28.32]When they found him,he was a dejected young man,
[09:33.36]prone to depression and without friends or a purpose in life.
[09:38.82]They knew that there must be some positive aspect to his pathology
[09:44.59]and quickly discovered that Mark was an excellent math pedant!
[09:50.45]They even helped him to become a university professor with a wonderful pension.
[09:58.91]While teaching he could penetrate deep into the concepts and patterns of math.
[10:05.47]The perception of his peculiar pathology by his peers at university
[10:12.31]was that it was a gift.
[10:15.34]They wished they had a problem with patterning.
[10:19.78]Mark's success at university had a very perceptible change on his life.
[10:26.86]He no longer felt like he was a penalty to society,
[10:32.19]but he was making a contribution.
[10:36.03]He became a happy purposeful man.
[10:40.29]And his accounts payable disappeared as he became rich and famous.
[10:46.35]Last year he even won the Nobel Prize for mathematics!
[10:51.60]perch -- peruse The percussion player
[11:00.06]Perching on the periphery of every orchestra is a percussion player.
[11:06.41]He is a permanent,but underappreciated member of this elite group of musicians.
[11:13.78]Because he only plays periodically,
[11:18.74]I have often thought
[11:22.08]that he must really be spending time back there perusing periodicals,
[11:27.96]or listening to the basketball game
[11:31.62]while all of the other instruments are singing away furiously.
[11:37.08]Perish the thought,however,
[11:40.42]of that percussion player missing a cymbal crash or timpani bang!
[11:45.99]Then every personality in the orchestra would look back at him angrily,
[11:51.73]critiquing his performance!
[11:55.08]He may not be essential most of the time,
[11:59.91]but he darn well better keep the timing and come in at the right place!
[12:05.34]I would guess that,in that situation where a percussion player misses a crash,
[12:13.18]rchestra office personnel would once again hear
[12:18.22]the perennial comments of perplexed violinists and cellists
[12:24.18]asking for permission to eliminate the "lesser elegant instruments."
[12:29.64]They would not permit it,of course,
[12:33.68]but the percussion player better not have a perishable character,
[12:39.25]or such complaints might permeate his little head
[12:44.71]and change his perspective about hitting a drum every fifteen minutes
[12:50.17]for a bunch of people who are experts at rubbing horsetail strings!!!
[12:55.73]If he had a strong character,
[13:00.28]I would even guess that those string-rubbers
[13:04.64]might have a little peril to face themselves!
[13:08.77]Ah well,the orchestra will always perpetuate itself.
[13:14.33]Regardless of the infighting between beauty and booms,
[13:19.19]the audience will be persistent;
[13:22.64]they will never cease their demand for the orchestra.
[13:27.00]People love the contrast,
[13:30.24]the flying of the strings,the blasting of the horns,
[13:34.99]and,of course,the persistence of the percussion player!
[13:39.96]pertain -- pigment The pigment phenomena
[13:48.42]The picnic was held on a very picturesque pier right off the beach.
[13:54.98]The water was beautiful and almost everyone went swimming.
[14:00.54]When one fisherman commented
[14:04.20]that there might be some interesting phenomena in the water today no one listened,
[14:10.55]they just kept on partying.