Lesson 61
The Hare and the Turtle
The hare can run very fast, but the turtle
can only walk slowly. One day the hare
proudly challenged the turtle to a race. The
hare started quickly but stopped to take a
nap every now and then. The turtle walked
slowly but surely. While the hare was sleep-
ing, the turtle passed him. Finally, the turtle
won the race. In the end, he was rewarded
for his perseverance. We can all learn a
lesson from the turtle.
The Hare and the Turtle
The hare can run very fast, but the turtle
can only walk slowly. One day the hare
proudly challenged the turtle to a race. The
hare started quickly but stopped to take a
nap every now and then. The turtle walked
slowly but surely. While the hare was sleep-
ing, the turtle passed him. Finally, the turtle
won the race. In the end, he was rewarded
for his perseverance. We can all learn a
lesson from the turtle.