现年1 2 2岁。 虽然她几乎听不见, 但她的声音宏亮又清
Lesson 107
The Secret of Longevity
Hong Ying, who comes from Guangdong,
is known as the oldest person in China. She
is 122 years old. Although she can hardly
hear, her voice is loud and clear. In fact, she
is still full of life. What's the secret of her
longeviity? Maybe it's her personality.
According to her family and friends, she is
humorous and easy to get along with.
The Secret of Longevity
Hong Ying, who comes from Guangdong,
is known as the oldest person in China. She
is 122 years old. Although she can hardly
hear, her voice is loud and clear. In fact, she
is still full of life. What's the secret of her
longeviity? Maybe it's her personality.
According to her family and friends, she is
humorous and easy to get along with.