凯丽从牙买加来。当她随着父母来到英国时,她的阿姨玛丽在希思罗机场接她们。玛丽阿姨住在伦敦。她带着凯丽和她的父母游览了伦敦的许多地方,例如伦敦塔、大英博物馆、伯明翰宫。凯丽也很喜欢泰晤士河上的游船之旅。 每天,凯丽都去不同的地方,参观有趣的东西。她遇到了从不同国家来的许多友好的人,她与他们交谈。她对英国有了更多的了解。她在伦敦感到非常舒服自在,这都归功于玛丽阿姨。伦敦是她所去过的最有趣的国家。
43 A Jamaican Girl in Britain
Kelly is from Jamaica. When she went to England with her parents, her aunt Mary met them at Heathrow Airport. Aunt Mary lives in London. She took Kelly and her parents to visit a lot of places in London, like the Tower of London, the British Museum, and Buckingham Palace. Kelly also enjoyed a boat trip on the river Thames.
Every day, she went to a different place and saw interesting things. She met some friendly people from different countries and talked with them. She learned a lot about England. She felt very comfortable in London thanks to Aunt Mary. England was the most interesting country she had ever visited. When Kelly left England, she said to Aunt Mary: "I will have a lot of things to tell my friends in Jamaica."
Jamaica 牙买加 palace 宫殿
Kelly is from Jamaica. When she went to England with her parents, her aunt Mary met them at Heathrow Airport. Aunt Mary lives in London. She took Kelly and her parents to visit a lot of places in London, like the Tower of London, the British Museum, and Buckingham Palace. Kelly also enjoyed a boat trip on the river Thames.
Every day, she went to a different place and saw interesting things. She met some friendly people from different countries and talked with them. She learned a lot about England. She felt very comfortable in London thanks to Aunt Mary. England was the most interesting country she had ever visited. When Kelly left England, she said to Aunt Mary: "I will have a lot of things to tell my friends in Jamaica."
Jamaica 牙买加 palace 宫殿