Lesson16 Learning English
We thought we knew the English language, having even translated a whole book from English into Russian, when we were in Siberia. I learnt English in prison from a self-instructor, but had never heard a single live English word spoken. Several years later when we arrived in London we found we could not understand a single word, and nobody understood us. At first this was very comical, but although my husband joked about it, he soon got down to the business of learning the language.
We started going to all kinds of meetings. We stood in the front row and carefully studied the orator's mouth. We went fairly often to Hyde Park, where speakers harangued the passing crowds on diverse themes. We were particularly keen on listening to one speaker of this kind. He spoke with an Irish accent, which was easier for us to understand. Nearby a Salvation Army officer uttered hysterical shouts in appeal to God Almighty, while a little further on a shop-assistant was holding forth on the hours of servitude of assistants in the big stores...
We learnt a great deal by listening to spoken English. Afterwards, by means of an advertisement, my husband found two Englishmen desirous of exchanging lessons, and began studying assiduously with them. He got to know the language fairly well.
Siberia 西伯利亚
orator 演讲者
harangue 对...高谈阔论
hold forth 滔滔不绝地表达,诉说
servitude 苦役, 苦役
desirous 渴望的
assiduously 勤勉地, 恳切地
We thought we knew the English language, having even translated a whole book from English into Russian, when we were in Siberia. I learnt English in prison from a self-instructor, but had never heard a single live English word spoken. Several years later when we arrived in London we found we could not understand a single word, and nobody understood us. At first this was very comical, but although my husband joked about it, he soon got down to the business of learning the language.
We started going to all kinds of meetings. We stood in the front row and carefully studied the orator's mouth. We went fairly often to Hyde Park, where speakers harangued the passing crowds on diverse themes. We were particularly keen on listening to one speaker of this kind. He spoke with an Irish accent, which was easier for us to understand. Nearby a Salvation Army officer uttered hysterical shouts in appeal to God Almighty, while a little further on a shop-assistant was holding forth on the hours of servitude of assistants in the big stores...
We learnt a great deal by listening to spoken English. Afterwards, by means of an advertisement, my husband found two Englishmen desirous of exchanging lessons, and began studying assiduously with them. He got to know the language fairly well.
Siberia 西伯利亚
orator 演讲者
harangue 对...高谈阔论
hold forth 滔滔不绝地表达,诉说
servitude 苦役, 苦役
desirous 渴望的
assiduously 勤勉地, 恳切地