教程:背诵为王第四册  浏览:1245  
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    幽默故事 故事1 电话响起时,大家都争着去拿听筒。我哥哥打电话来告诉我们他的第一个孩子出生了。我和父母亲急匆匆赶到医院,在产科病房外面见到了我的哥哥内森。“你们一定要去看看我刚出生的儿子!”“他太漂亮了!”内森在婴儿室门口停下来看门上的通告。他的脸变得阴沉起来。“爸爸,妈妈,只有你们才能进去,”他垂头丧气地说。“我不得不呆在外面。牌子上说#只允许父母进入#。” 父亲大声地笑了。“你才是父亲呀!”他对这位新爸爸说。 故事2 女儿刚拿到驾照不久,就借了家里的车出去。一个小时后,电话铃响了。 她锁了车门,现在用钥匙打不开车门了。“肯定是钥匙拿错了,”她说。 “如果钥匙圈还是同一个,钥匙就没错,”我肯定地对她说。 “妈妈,”她斩钉截铁地说,“就是打不开。商店的店主试过了,另外一位行人也试过了。钥匙就是不对。” “再试一次吧,”我叹了口气,“还不行的话就走回家。” 几分钟后,电话铃又响了。“车门打开了,我现在就回家。” “怎么回事?”我问道。 “我一直在试图打开别人的一辆红色轿车,”她不好意思地回答道。


    Lesson18 Humorous Stories
    Story 1
    Everyone jumped to pick the phone up when it rang. My brother was calling to announce the birth of his first child. My parents and I rushed to the hospital and met Nathan outside the maternity ward. "You've got to see the new baby!" "He's gorgeous!" At the entrance to the nursery, Nathan stopped to read the notice on the door. His face fell. "Only you can go in, Mom and Dad," he said, crestfallen. "I have to stay out here. The sign says PARENTS ONLY ADMITTED."
    My father roared with laughter. "You are the parent!" he told the new father.
    Story 2
    Just after she received her driver's license, my daughter borrowed the family car. An hour later the phone rang.
    She had locked the car doors and the key to unlock them didn't work. "It must be the wrong key," she claimed.
    "If it's on the same key ring, then it's the right one," I assured her.
    "Mom," she said emphatically, "it doesn't work. The store owner tried, and so did another pedestrian. It's the wrong key!"
    "Try once more," I sighed. "Then walk home if it still doesn't work."
    A few minutes later the phone rang again. "The key works and I'm coming home now."
    "What happened?" I asked.
    "I was trying to unlock the wrong red car," she replied sheepishly.
    maternity 妇产科的
    gorgeous 好的, 漂亮的
    crestfallen 垂头丧气的
      上一篇:背诵为王第四册第17课 下一篇:背诵为王第四册第19课


