Lesson29 Alcohol Damage to the Young Brain
Few teens seem to worry about what alcohol does to their bodies. Cirrhosis of the liver is unlikely to catch up with them for decades, and heart disease must seem as remote as retirement, but recent research indicates that the younger the brain, the more it may be at risk. Because their brains are still developing, teens who drink excessively may be destroying some of their mental capacity - affecting their ability to learn.
Nearly 7 million youths between the ages of 12 and 20 binge drink at least once a month, according to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. That means downing five or more drinks in a row.
Teen drinkers appear to be most susceptible to damage in two developing parts of the brain, the hippocampus, a structure responsible for learning and memory, and the prefrontal cortex, the chief decision-maker and voice of reason.
In a study of how alcohol affects the hippocampus, scholars dosed adolescent and adult rats with alcohol and ran them through mazes. Compared with the adults, the adolescents failed miserably. To see whether similar results held true for humans, some scholars split a small group of volunteers into two groups: ages 21 to 24, and 25 to 29.
After drinking enough to achieve a blood-alcohol level slightly below 0.08 percent, the younger group's learning was significantly more impaired than the older group's.
cirrhosis [医]硬化
susceptible 易受影响的
hippocampus 海马状突起
prefrontal [解]额叶前部的
cortex 脑皮层
impair 削弱
Few teens seem to worry about what alcohol does to their bodies. Cirrhosis of the liver is unlikely to catch up with them for decades, and heart disease must seem as remote as retirement, but recent research indicates that the younger the brain, the more it may be at risk. Because their brains are still developing, teens who drink excessively may be destroying some of their mental capacity - affecting their ability to learn.
Nearly 7 million youths between the ages of 12 and 20 binge drink at least once a month, according to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. That means downing five or more drinks in a row.
Teen drinkers appear to be most susceptible to damage in two developing parts of the brain, the hippocampus, a structure responsible for learning and memory, and the prefrontal cortex, the chief decision-maker and voice of reason.
In a study of how alcohol affects the hippocampus, scholars dosed adolescent and adult rats with alcohol and ran them through mazes. Compared with the adults, the adolescents failed miserably. To see whether similar results held true for humans, some scholars split a small group of volunteers into two groups: ages 21 to 24, and 25 to 29.
After drinking enough to achieve a blood-alcohol level slightly below 0.08 percent, the younger group's learning was significantly more impaired than the older group's.
cirrhosis [医]硬化
susceptible 易受影响的
hippocampus 海马状突起
prefrontal [解]额叶前部的
cortex 脑皮层
impair 削弱