Unit 277
Do you have some time? (Sure/certainly/absolutely)
What's up?
I'll tell you in a minute.
We're going for a drink.
Care to join us?
Not this time,thanks.
I'll be on a date with...
Would you care to join us?
Would you care to watch the movie with us?
Would you care to go to the movies?
Would you care to go to the zoo with me?
Would you like to to to the zoo with me?
Do you have some time? (Sure/certainly/absolutely)
What's up?
I'll tell you in a minute.
We're going for a drink.
Care to join us?
Not this time,thanks.
I'll be on a date with...
Would you care to join us?
Would you care to watch the movie with us?
Would you care to go to the movies?
Would you care to go to the zoo with me?
Would you like to to to the zoo with me?