Barack Obama yesterday spelled out his plans for the biggest infrastructure investment in the US for half a century, arguing that with the economy reeling, his incoming administration could not afford to worry about a spiralling budget deficit.
巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)昨日阐述了他的计划,以进行美国半个世纪以来规模最大的基础设施投资。奥巴马指出,在经济下滑之际,他的政府在1月份上台后可能顾不得担心螺旋上升的预算赤字。
Mr Obama's proposals for government works on roads, bridges, internet broadband and school buildings, together with energy efficiency measures and health spending, are far more detailed than the normal announcements of a president-elect.
But at a time of deepening economic gloom, Mr Obama is highlighting his concern at the depth of the recession, while fast-tracking his plans to counter it.
“Things are going to get worse before they get better,” Mr Obama said yesterday on NBC's Meet The Press, emphasising that his plans represented the largest US infrastructure programme since the federal highway system in the 1950s.
“形势在好转之前,将变得更糟。”奥巴马昨日在NBC电视台的“会见新闻界”(Meet The Press)节目上表示,强调他的计划将是美国自上世纪50年代联邦高速公路系统建设计划以来最大的基础设施投资计划。
“The key is making sure we jump-start the economy in a way that doesn't just deal with the short term, doesn't just create jobs immediately, but also puts us on a glide path for long-term sustainable economic growth.”