鸠山由纪夫(Yukio Hatoyama)周三正式出任日本首相,他承认日本当前经济疲软,誓言本届政府将设法筹集资金实现大规模支出计划。
Yukio Hatoyama took office as Japan's prime minister on Wednesday with a nod toward the nation's weakened economy and a pledge that his administration will find a way to pay for its ambitious spending programs.
Mr. Hatoyama, the 62-year-old leader of the Democratic Party of Japan, immediately unveiled his new cabinet, assigning the party's most experienced lawmakers to top cabinet positions to ensure his campaign pledges are implemented smoothly. Mr. Hatoyama also picked lawmakers with reputations as activists to ministries where he has outlined aggressive policy changes, such as pension and postal overhauls.
'I feel excited that I am changing history. I feel heavy responsibility that I must change history,' Mr. Hatoyama said at a news conference, wearing a gold and blue tie, which his wife Miyuki described as his 'gold medal.' He said that 'the battle begins now.'
He reached out to officials in the U.S., saying he will first try to build a trusting relationship with President Barack Obama when the two meet in the U.S. next week. The DPJ's victory has raised questions on both sides of the Pacific because the party has called for reassessing their agreement putting U.S. military personnel on Japanese soil and supporting U.S. naval operations in the Indian Ocean.
中左翼的日本民主党在8月30日大选中取得了压倒性胜利,令几乎连续执政50多年的自民党(Liberal Democratic Party)出局。由于民主党在国会拥有多数席位,鸠山由纪夫在众议院的480个席位中赢得了327票,在参议院的237个中赢得了124票。
The center-left DPJ scored a landslide victory in Aug. 30 national elections, ousting the conservative Liberal Democratic Party that ruled Japan nearly continuously for more than five decades. With his party dominating Japan's parliament, Mr. Hatoyama won 327 votes from the 480 members of the lower house and 124 votes from the 237 votes cast in the upper chamber.
But the 11-year-old party faces mounting challenges, including a relative lack of experience among its lawmakers and conflicting political philosophies within the party itself. The DPJ also needs to satisfy two coalition partners needed to smoothly pass legislation.
It also must confront deep problems within the Japanese economy, which has endured about two decades of softness and is still heavily dependent on the world's demand for its exported vehicles and electronics. 'The outlook for the Japanese economy is still unclear,' Mr. Hatoyama said. 'We want to implement policy measures that give people hope that they will become more well-off.'
The party has proposed an ambitious domestic spending program to spur domestic demand that in about four years will cost about 16.8 trillion yen (4 billion) annually. The program is intended to put cash in consumers' pockets through higher direct per-child monthly payments, education subsidies and the dropping of unpopular highway tolls, among other measures.
为了填补这些支出窟窿,鸠山将求助于两位日本政界名人。日本新政府周三确认,现年77岁的前财务大臣藤井裕久(Hirohisa Fujii)将出山再次担任这一职务。外界认为藤井属于财政保守派。鸠山已任命菅直人(Naoto Kan)出任副首相兼国家战略大臣,意在把预算控制从日本的官僚机构手中夺过来。菅直人早年是个学生运动分子,后在上世纪90年代担任厚生大臣时就与政府官僚有过交手。
To find ways to pay for it, Mr. Hatoyama will turn to two well-known faces in Japan. The new administration Wednesday confirmed the appointment of Hirohisa Fujii, a 77-year-old veteran of the powerful finance ministry who is considered a fiscal conservative. Mr. Hatoyama already has tapped Naoto Kan, a former student activist who dueled with the government bureauracy as health and welfare minister in the 1990s, to a new position intended to wrest budgetary control away from Japan's bureaucracy. Mr. Kan will also serve as deputy prime minister.
日本第一生命经济研究所(Dai-Ichi Life Research Institute)的首席经济学家秀夫熊野(Hideo Kumano)表示,鸠山选择了一些经验丰富的人士来巩固自己的内阁,其重点是将实现团队竞选诺言的可能性最大化。
Mr. Hatoyama 'picked steady hands to fortify his cabinets,' said Hideo Kumano, chief economist for Dai-Ichi Life Research Institute. 'The focus is to maximize the chance of implementing the pledges in the campaign manifesto as a team.'
执政联盟友党党魁、总是坦率直言的龟井静香(Shizuka Kamei)将出任金融特任大臣,负责金融服务和邮政业务改革。这一任命表明民主当有意反转日本邮政(Japan Post)的私有化进程。日本邮政拥有庞大的邮政服务网络,同时还是日本最大的银行和保险商。
Shizuka Kamei, the outspoken head of a tiny coalition partner, was named minister in charge of financial services and postal overhaul. The appointment underlined the DPJ's intention to reverse the course in privatizing Japan Post, a sprawling post-office network that serves as Japan's largest bank and insurance provider.
2005 年脱离自民党的龟井静香以其反对减少国家干预的观点而著称,他曾公开反对前首相小泉纯一郎(Junichiro Koizumi)的日本邮政私有化计划。即便在他获得任命之前,龟井静香还对记者说日本邮政总裁西川孝文(Yoshifumi Nishikawa)应该做出辞职决定,这呼应了民主党此前要求西川孝文请辞的呼声。这位高管在日本商界拥有广泛的支持。
Mr. Kamei, known for his antideregulation views, bolted from the LDP in 2005, protesting former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's postal privatization plan. Even before his appointment, Mr. Kamei told reporters that Japan Post Chief Executive Yoshifumi Nishikawa, who has broad support of the business community, 'should make a decision to give up his job,' echoing previous DPJ calls for him to resign.
Mr. Kamei also signaled Wednesday night that the government would take a more active role in the finance industry. He said he wants to give a three-year moratorium on loan repayments to small companies facing funding problems. 'Financial institutions must think about their social responsibilities,' he said.
日本政府需要重建千创百孔的养老金体系以应对老龄化问题。鸠山任命民主党党内冉冉升起的政治明星长妻昭(Akira Nagatsuma)担任厚生劳动大臣。长妻昭此前曾担任杂志记者,因其在2006年的养老金丑闻案中不断质问那些应为数百万人养老金纪录丢失负责的官僚政客而成了日本的风雨人物,人们甚至称他为“养老金先生”。
To rebuild Japan's shaky pension system to withstand the accelerating aging of the population, Mr. Hatoyama named Akira Nagatsuma, the party's rising star known as Mr. Pension. The former magazine journalist became a national figure after relentlessly questioning bureaucrats responsible for losing pension records for millions of people in a 2006 scandal.