Purported conversation with prostitute after sex centres on PM's apparent prowess
John Hooper in Rome,Thursday 23 July 2009 18.34 BST
The Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, faced further – and even more excruciating – embarrassment today when the weekly news magazine L'Espresso posted a recording on its website apparently made soon after he had finished having sex with a prostitute.
Berlusconi has sought to make light of the release this week of a series of tapes, saying Italians knew he was "no saint". But he did not deny their authenticity, although his lawyer had earlier claimed they were fake.
In by far the most intimate recording so far, the prime minister purportedly discusses male orgasms and the advisability of female masturbation with Patrizia D'Addario, the escort who claims to have spent the night at his Rome residence last November.
D'Addario, who has said she made the recordings on her mobile telephone, supplied them to prosecutors in Bari who are investigating whether to bring charges against the businessman alleged to have arranged for her to visit Berlusconi.
The recording begins with D'Addario purportedly telling the prime minister that a young man "would have already come in a second".
After the voice alleged to be Berlusconi's says "the problem, in my opinion, is a family one", D'Addario asks: "You know how long it is since I had sex the way I had it with you tonight?" She then answers her own question, saying: "Months. Not since I left my man. Is [that] normal?"
The reply is: "If I may, you ought to have sex by yourself. You ought to touch yourself with a certain frequency."
In another recording posted to the web today, Berlusconi purportedly shows D'Addario and other women around his estate on Sardinia.
This is the third batch of tapes to be put up on websites by L'Espresso and its sister publication, the daily La Repubblica, in what has become an acrimonious trial of strength.
Berlusconi has denied that he was aware that D'Addario had been paid to visit him. She was one of several women recruited by a southern Italian businessman, Giampaolo Tarantini, to attend a party at the prime minister's private residence. According to a recording released earlier, they were each paid €1,000 (£860), but expected more if they stayed the night.
John Hooper发自罗马,2009年7月23日 周四 英国夏令时18:34
据称,在这份至今为止内容最火辣的录音里,总理大人和声称去年11月曾到罗马总理官邸和贝卢斯科尼共渡春宵的援交女郎Patrizia D'Addario大谈男性性高潮和女性自慰的好处。
贝卢斯科尼否认他知道D'Addario是受人雇佣和他会面。一位来自意大利南部的商人Giampaolo Tarantini聘请了若干女郎到贝卢斯科尼的私人住所参加一次聚会,而D'Addario就是其中之一。根据此前披露的录音,这些女郎每人得到了1000欧元(约合860英镑)的报酬,但如果她们能在总理那儿过夜就能得到更多。