联合国(United Nations)已承认,在哥本哈根达成的气候变化协议,可能不包括为发展中国家提供资助的承诺。这将激怒较贫穷国家,还可能令一项基础广泛的协议泡汤。
The United Nations has conceded that a deal in Copenhagen on climate change might not include promised financial aid for developing countries, an admission that will infuriate poorer nations and potentially scupper a broad-based agreement.
联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,没有发达国家向较贫穷国家提供长期资助以对抗全球变暖的坚定承诺,各国照样可以在哥本哈根签署协议。“我们可以到明年再开始讨论这个问题,”潘基文表示。发展中国家一直坚决主张,在哥本哈根达成的任何协议,都必须包括到2020年它们将每年获得至少1000亿美元资金的保证。
Ban Ki-moon, secretary- general of the UN, told the Financial Times in an interview that countries could sign a deal at Copenhagen without a firm commitment from developed nations on long-term financing for poorer countries to combat global warming. “We can start next year discussing this matter,” Mr Ban said. Developing countries have long insisted that any Copenhagen deal must include assurances that they would receive finance flows of at least 0bn a year by 2020.
“我不肯定[我们可以达成一个长期资助的数目]……我不认为这个具体数目是哥本哈根协议的全部意义所在。重要议题有很多,”他表示。“如果这次他们无法在哥本哈根达成共识,那么有必要达成 [资金方面的]某种初步安排。”
“I'm not quite sure [we can get a long-term financing number] . . . I don't think the exact number itself should be all of this Copenhagen deal. There are many important issues,” he said. “If they are not able to agree this time at Copenhagen, then there needs to be some initial arrangement [on financing].”
Coming on the eve of the arrival of most of the expected 130-odd national leaders in Copenhagen, Mr Ban's comments may trigger further disruptions in negotiations, with only three days left to conclude an agreement. But Mr Ban urged poor countries to sign a deal in any case. “For the common good, all countries should participate,” he said.
“This is a time when common sense, compromise and partnership should prevail.”
In the meantime, he pointed to the discussions of “fast start” financing of bn a year for the next three years for developing countries. That should become available to poor countries with “immediate operational effect”, he said. “That is a good start.”
Financial assistance from the rich to the poor world has long been regarded as one of the four elements essential for a deal at Copenhagen. However, Mr Ban recalibrated that expectation: “One of the four elements was financial support, not just long- term [financing].”
For most poor countries, the “fast start” financing is only a minor part of the assistance they have been demanding.
A small group of developing countries has been obstructing the talks, by introducing last-minute changes to draft texts of an agreement and calling for harder positions than most other countries are prepared to take. The core aim of the talks has been to limit warming to no more than 2 degrees celsius above so-called pre-industrial levels, in line with scientific advice. But some nations have now called for an agreement that would limit global temperature rises to no more than 1 degree, which most regard as impossible.