SCENE③ C 当天晚上,下课后 柔丝家
Rose: His passion for computers is just like my passion for music.
柔丝: 他对电脑的热情就跟我对音乐一样。
Sue: Two 1) passionate people... sounds like an interesting piano class...
苏: 两个热情的人……这个钢琴课听来真有趣……
Rose: He 2) lights up when he talks about computers. And he's 3) poetic...
柔丝: 谈到电脑的时候,他整个人都亮了起来,而且他很有诗意……
Sue: About computers? Is that possible?
苏: 对电脑?可能吗?
Rose: 4) Amazingly enough... And he sent me music...
柔丝: 够惊人吧……他还寄音乐给我……
Sue: Tapes? CDs? What kind of music?
苏: 录音带吗?CD吗?哪种音乐?
Rose: Music he composed in college. He 5) sent it by e-mail.
柔丝: 是他大学时作的曲子,他用电子邮件寄来的。
Sue: Now this is 6) something to write home about!
苏: 终于有可以告诉家里的大事发生了!
A: Sally is always at work.
B: That's because she passionately loves what she's doing.
【Amazingly enough. 真是惊人,真了不起(令人不敢相信)】
你可以用这个句子表示惊叹,使用的时机跟It's amazing!一样。
A: Amazingly enough, I passed the test without studying!
B: What did you eat for lunch that day?
A: Is Judd here?
B: Yes. Amazingly enough, he got here on time.
1) passionate (a.) 热情的,多情的
2) light up 精神百倍
3) poetic (a.) 富诗意的
4) amazingly (adv.) 惊人地
5) 通过……寄送(某种东西)
6) something to write home about 应该写信通知家里的事,比喻重大事件。
Rose: His passion for computers is just like my passion for music.
柔丝: 他对电脑的热情就跟我对音乐一样。
Sue: Two 1) passionate people... sounds like an interesting piano class...
苏: 两个热情的人……这个钢琴课听来真有趣……
Rose: He 2) lights up when he talks about computers. And he's 3) poetic...
柔丝: 谈到电脑的时候,他整个人都亮了起来,而且他很有诗意……
Sue: About computers? Is that possible?
苏: 对电脑?可能吗?
Rose: 4) Amazingly enough... And he sent me music...
柔丝: 够惊人吧……他还寄音乐给我……
Sue: Tapes? CDs? What kind of music?
苏: 录音带吗?CD吗?哪种音乐?
Rose: Music he composed in college. He 5) sent it by e-mail.
柔丝: 是他大学时作的曲子,他用电子邮件寄来的。
Sue: Now this is 6) something to write home about!
苏: 终于有可以告诉家里的大事发生了!
A: Sally is always at work.
B: That's because she passionately loves what she's doing.
【Amazingly enough. 真是惊人,真了不起(令人不敢相信)】
你可以用这个句子表示惊叹,使用的时机跟It's amazing!一样。
A: Amazingly enough, I passed the test without studying!
B: What did you eat for lunch that day?
A: Is Judd here?
B: Yes. Amazingly enough, he got here on time.
1) passionate (a.) 热情的,多情的
2) light up 精神百倍
3) poetic (a.) 富诗意的
4) amazingly (adv.) 惊人地
5) 通过……寄送(某种东西)
6) something to write home about 应该写信通知家里的事,比喻重大事件。