1. How am I to know what I'm supposed to do if there's no organization around here?
2. Yech...it is a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work。
3.Now where did my eraser go this time? Don't take things off other people's desks without asking them,O.K.?
4.The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencils until they're down to little stubslike this。
5.Turn the other way when you smoke, so I won't have to breathe it, all right?
6.I want you to stop hogging my desk space, all right?
7.Ah, heck! Another mistake.The staff here can't even use their calculators right!
8.Don't talk to me while I'm in the middle of calculating。
9.Oh,why did he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break!
10.I know I made a mistake. I just wish he wouldn't keep hammering away at it。
11.Why do I have to do all these extra needless little jobs anyway?
12.Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy。
13.How come everyone in our company is middle-aged stuffy?
14.Everytime he gets drunk,he goes into lousypreaching routine。
15.Say, don't you think Miss Black is using the phone too much for personal calls?
16.I don't understand what's going on inside these young people's heads。