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    1.aandag! 注意! (南非)

    Attention! The word, frequently employed in newspaper ads, derives ultimately from the Dutch aadacht, meaning the same.

    意为“请注意!” 报纸广告常用语, 源自荷兰语aadacht, 意思相同。

    2.aback (在……)以前(巴哈马)

    Ago. “Ten years aback we were there, but we never returned.”

    意为“在…以前”, 如:“十年以前, 我们曾在那儿, 但后来从未回去过。”

    3.above snakes 高度(美国西部)

    Above the ground. “He's a lean, rangy cowpoke, about six and a half feet above snakes.”

    意为“高度”, 如:“他是个四肢瘦长的牛仔, 身高六英尺半。”

    4.abroad 外出溜达(美国南部)

    Heard especially among old-fashioned speakers in the American South, a trip abroad is often not a journey overseas but a trip or visit within the community, even a stroll down to the store. It can, however, mean a distance of fifty miles or more, as in the common newspaper expression“〔Mr. Jones〕 has returned from his trip abroad.”

    在美国南部上了年纪的人们当中流行, a trip abroad不是说出国旅行, 而仅仅是在社区里溜达溜达或看望他人而已, 甚至可以指去逛商店。但也可指50英里或者更远的距离, 就像报纸里的常用语:“(某某)已外出回来了。”

    5.absentee ballot 缺席选举人票(美国,澳大利亚)

    A ballot used by a voter who is unable to vote in person at the polling place. The British call it a postal ballot (q. v. ) or a postal vote.

    投票者无法自己亲自前往投票站投票而使用缺席选举人票, 英国人称之为a postal ballot (参见该条)或a postal vote(邮寄选票)。

    6.accident department 急救室(英国)

    A hospital emergency room, or ER.

    医院的急救室, 缩略为ER。

    7.according to Cocker 根据严格的规则;按照精确的计算(英国)

    Very accurate or correct, according to the rules. According to Cocker could just as well mean “all wrong”; however, few authorities bother to mention this. The phrase honors Edward Cocker (1631—1675), a London engraver who also taught penmanship and arithmetic. Cocker wrote a number of popular books on these subjects, and reputedly authored Cocker's Arithmetick, which went through 112 editions, its authority giving rise to the proverb. Then, in the late nineteenth century, documented proof was offered showing that Cocker did not write the famous book at all, that it was a forgery of his editor and publisher, so poorly done, in fact, that it set back rather than advanced the cause of elementary arithmetic.

    意为“完全符合规则, 十分精确”。这一短语也可以是“全错了”的意思, 但很少权威人士提及这一意义。这一短语是给予 Edward Cocker (1631—1675)的荣誉。此人是伦敦的一个雕刻师, 他也教授书法和算术, 写了一些书法和算术方面的普及读物, 并冠以《科尔克算术》的书名, 该书曾出了112版, 这一短语源自其在算术方面的权威地位。后来, 十九世纪末叶, 有资料证明, 那些算术名著并非出自科尔克之手, 而是编辑和出版商刻意伪造的, 其书水平低劣, 不仅没有促进, 反而是阻碍了初等算术事业的发展。

    According to Hoyle, according to Guinness, and according to Fowler are three similar British phrases understood wherever British English is spoken.

    according to Hoyle, according to Guinness 和according to Fowler是类似的三个英国英语短语, 意思都是“按照规则或惯例, 正确地”, 这些短语都是英国英语。

    8.according to Rafferty's rules 全无章法,全无规则(澳大利亚)

    According to no rules at all, no holds barred. It apparently arose in Australian boxing matches, though who the original Rafferty is—if there was one——is unknown. The expression probably has nothing to do with the British slang Rafferty.

    意为“根本没有规则, 没有任何限制”。此语显然源出澳大利亚拳击比赛。但Rafferty 是谁, 甚至是否有Rafferty其人, 则不得而知。此短语也许与英国俚语Rafferty 没有任何关系。

    9.ace on (在某一方面)突出的,优秀的(巴哈马)

    The best at, excellent or outstanding at, as in “She ace on singing.”

    此短语意义如上所示, 如:“她歌唱得极好。”

    10.acorn calf 发育不全而又矮小的小牛(美国西部)

    A runt or weak calf; sometimes used to describe a physically weak person. It was once believed that cows that ate too many acorns gave birth to such calves.

    指发育不全而又矮小的小牛, 有时也用来指身体瘦弱的人。以前曾经认为, 母牛吃多了橡树的果实(即橡子), 就会生出这样的小牛。

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