
1. Occur to
有个想法突然在你的脑中闪现,突然想起或想到可以用occur to。比如:A good idea occurred to me. (我想到了一个好主意。)又或者:It occurred to me that I had left the door unlocked.(我忽然想起忘了锁门了。)
2. Flash on
这个短语生动形象地表达了一种秒懂的惊喜。灵感一来,就像放出一道闪电。例:It flashed on me that he was her husband.(我忽然意识到他是她的丈夫。)
3. Bring to mind
神马东东悄悄进入了你的脑海里,这个短语的意思是“想起”,还有些回忆的意味在其中。例:I know it happened, but I can't bring it to mind.(我知道有这么回事, 但回忆不起来了。)
4. Ring a bell
Ring a bell叮铃一声,好似提醒了你什么。某个人或者某些事,提起来好熟悉,有种“似曾相识”的赶脚,用上这个词组就生动了许多~ 例:I can't remember her name but her face rings a bell.(我记不起她的姓名, 但是她的脸我很熟悉。)
5. Cross one’s mind
表示某种念头在脑海中出现,英文还可以说cross one's mind,也是相当形象。比如:It never crossed my mind that Lisa might be lying.(我从来没想过丽莎会说谎。)