以下是China Daily近期的新闻节选:
Meet China's latest Internet buzzword
China Daily, February 28, 2015
If you want to express something so unbelievable that it must have been a special effect, you have a new word to add to your vocabulary. It's "Duang", an onomatopoetic word which doesn't correlate with any particular Chinese character and refers to special effects.
A video parody adapted from a shampoo commercial featuring Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan went viral online, leading Internet users to coin the word.
1. parody /ˈpærədi/ 恶搞;滑稽地模仿
【例】The show included a parody on current affairs programmes.
(来源:Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English)
【例】His style has often been parodied.
(来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
2. special effect 特效(通常用复数)
【例】The film's special effects are amazing.
(来源:Cambridge Advanced Learner's English)