Hi, XX.
3,如果有人How are you?那就回一句,I’m good./ I’m fine. Thank you. 教科书上的And you?就别加了。同理,也可以问别人How areyou?
4,组织者看人来的差不多了,就总结下:We have XX, XX…. I think we can start the meeting.
5,发现有个重要的人没来:Is XX on the line?
改bug情况:Thisweek we fixed xx defects. There are still xx issues in dev queue and we willfix them in next build. 或者We canfix x of them. Remaining defects will be delivered to QA next week.
开发情况:We have finished technical design and next week we will startcoding.
部署情况:Build xhas released to QA last Friday. Totally x defects and enhancements are includedin this build.
测试情况:This week we didfunctional testing / regression testing. Totally x defects are found in thisbuild. We will finish the testing by this Friday.
如果是写文档:We are writing test case for x project this week and 50% hascompleted. We have reviewed the test case with developers and BA. Remainingtest case will be done next week.
万能句:It’s on scheduleso far.
10,对方来了一句没听清楚,可以说。Sorry, Could you repeat again?
11,两个人都说话然后出现抢话后的寂静:xx,please go ahead.
12,组织者问大家还有问题要讨论么:Any questions?可以回:No 或者I’m all set.
13,信号不好有噪音:Excuse me. There are some backgroundnoises. I didn’t catch you. Would you pleasesay it again?
14,掉线了重新返回:Sorry. I just dropped the line.
15,实在听不懂时怎么办,不能老让人重复吧:I think the issue is toocomplicated and I will send an email to you after the meeting.
16,被问到问题结果答不上来了,别愣着尴尬:I cannot give you the answernow. And I will check it and get back to you later. 或者 I will confirm with xx and send a email to you. 或者I’m not sure and I will doublecheck it after the meeting.