
(一) 枚举法 枚举法也叫列举法,用这种方法扩展话题,首先提出论点,然后列举一系列论据或原因对主题进行论证或阐述。请看下面一段语段: There are two reasons why I have decided to attend our university. First of all, there is the question of money, our university’s tuition fee is reasonable, and I don’t even have to pay it all at once. This is very important, since my father is not a rich man. With the deferred payment plan, my father will be able to pay my tuition without too much difficulty. The second reason is the fine education I will receive in management, my chosen field. For some well-known experienced managers are hired as visiting professors in our university. Moreover, our university requires all students to gain practical experiences by working in a company. 说话人在论述选择上该大学的原因时,首先提出论点:“我选择上该大学出自两个理由”,接着列举了学费和教育两个方面,来对该论点进行论证。两个论据通过连接短语first of all和the second reason贯通在一起。在论证第二方面的原因时,又从两方面进行阐述,即:该大学管理系聘请了最好的有经验的管理专家担任访问教授并为学生求学期间提供实习机会。Moreover是连接词,将这两层意思连接起来。 表示枚举的常见过渡性连接词语有:first, second, third; in the first place, in the second place; first of all, first and foremost; to begin with, to start with; for one thing, for another; also, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more; above all; next; beyond that; initially; eventually, finally, last but not least等。用枚举法来扩展话题,可以帮助考生迅速理清思路,同时使论述的内容层次分明,脉络清楚。
(二) 描述法 描述法是话题扩展的一种常用手段,语段描述一般都是描述人、地方或物品的某个特点,并且语段的主题句往往表达说话人的总体印象。请看下面一段人物描写: The most fascinating person I know is Xiaoming, a friend of mine. Xiaoming has many unusual characteristics you would not guess from his physical appearance. He is probably the shortest and thinnest man that I know. Nevertheless, he is the best athlete in our school. Moreover, he is also a wonderful storyteller. He often entertains us for hours with stories about the interesting things he does and the people he knows. The most important thing is that he is a person who will not hesitate to help you when you are in trouble. You will feel how wonderful it is to be one of his friends. I am sure that you would find him a fascinating person too. 该语段是典型的人物描述,所有的句子紧紧围绕主题句—Xiaoming is the most fascinating person I know—来展开。Xiaoming给人的总体印象是迷人的,说话人通过从外貌、特长、品质等方面对他进行描述,突出强调他与众不同的典型特征,给人留下深刻的印象。应该注意到形容词在精彩生动的描述中所起的作用,如:the most fascinating, unusual, the shortest and thinnest, best, wonderful等。
(三) 举例法 举例法亦称例证法,它与枚举法有很多相似之处,唯一不同的是,用例证法展开话题时,主题句中提出论点,然后通过实际事例予以论证或阐述,而不是仅罗列一些原因或利弊。值得注意的是,要求所选的事例能很好地支持主题句中的论点。请看下面的语段: There is no denying that life is full of undesirable risks. To illustrate, a driver throws himself into danger when driving too fast, and a heavy smoker is running the risk of suffering from lung cancer. However, there are many risks worth taking, since they will bring you success, fame or pleasure. For example, Ke Shouliang once challenged the physical limitation of a man and risked his life in flying over the Yellow River in his car. And he made it and was hailed as hero. 说话人以生活中的冒险为主题,认为有的风险应该避开而有的风险却值得尝试。每层意思均以举例的方式展开阐述。首先以驾车超速招致祸患和吸烟导致肺癌为例来说明类似的风险应该予以回避;接着以柯受良驾车飞跃黄河为例来阐述值得冒的风险及其原因。 表示举例的常见过渡性连接词语有:for example, for instance, as an example, as an illustration, such as, such, a case in point is, to illustrate, in particular, specifically, say, next, namely, that is, like, take …as an example等。举例法是通过具体的实例来阐述论点,使该法来支持或反对某一观点。
(四) 比较对照法 比较对照法是阐述话题主旨的常用方法之一。比较对照法由比较和对照两部分组成,但两者往往一起使用,以阐述两者或更多事物间的异同。比较描述的是所比对象的相同和相似点,而对照则强调所描述对象的不同点,甚至相反之处。 比较对照的结构有多种,可以先集中描述甲A、甲B、甲C……;乙A、乙B、乙C……;也可以是甲乙方同时逐点描述:甲A、乙A;甲B、乙B……例如: My two friends have similar and different characteristics, such as appearance, personality and hobbies. Wendy is short and blonde. In contrast, Lisa is taller than Wendy, and Lisa’s hair is much darker and curlier than Wendy’s. Wendy is the shy type and doesn’t talk loudly when other people are there. On the other hand, Lisa is more outgoing than Wendy and likes to speak more. Both Lisa and Wendy enjoy doing different things, and they do them well. For instance, Wendy is a folk dancer, and she dances more gracefully than Lisa, but Lisa can play tennis better than Wendy. Wendy and Lisa are friends; for this reason, other people like to compare them. 说话人比较了两个朋友在外貌、性格和爱好方面的相同点及不同点,以“甲A、乙A;甲B、乙B……”的比较方式展开,分条讨论这两位朋友的异同。又 如: There are some similarities between the city and the countryside; however, great differences between them still exist. In our country, most people like to live in the city, because of entertainment and better health service as well. Children can get better education. But it is noisy and crowded in the city. Life in the countryside, on the other hand, is much simple and comparatively dull. Transportation is not convenient, and the chances of education are limited. But there is much less noise there, and the air is cleaner. 说话人从交通、娱乐、教育、环境等四个方面论述了城乡生活的差异,采用的是“甲A、甲B、甲C……;乙A;乙B、乙C……”先城市后农村的集中对照手法。 常用的表示比较的过渡性连接词语有:similarly, likewise, correspondingly, in a similar way, in the same way, too, like, resemble, similar to, equal to, equally important, both…and…, the same as等。常用的表示对照的过渡性连接词语有:on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, in contrast to, in sharp contrast, conversely, otherwise, however, nevertheless, but, yet, although, even though, whereas, while, it is true…but…, instead, unlike, rather than, in spite of, contrast with, different from, contrary to, differ from, though等。
(五) 因果法 因果法经常用以阐述原因,回答为什么这类问题,分析事物发展的前因后果。因果关系的普遍性决定了因果关系的复杂性,通常因果模式有一因一果,一因多果、一果多因和因果链等,而以因果方式扩展话题时通常采用先因后果或先果后因的一因多果或一果多因模式,其中的多因或多果又常以枚举方式列举。例如: There is a great demand for colleges to conduct reforms on English teaching and learning. Is there a particular reason for college English reforms? Educational surveys uncover many contributing causes. Some students see little relationship between class work and future employment requirements. In addition, their oral English is quite poor even learning English for so many years. The daily school routine presents an unchanging and often boring schedule. In addition to these factors, the students’ own problems and needs may lead students to lose interests in learning English. 说话人分析了进行大学英语教学改革的原因。原因是多方面的,有课堂教学与未来工作要求脱节的原因,有教学效果不如意的原因,有课程单调乏味的原因,还有学生自身的问题和需求使其失去学习兴趣等方面的原因。可见,这是一种一果多因的关系。过渡性连接词语in addition, in addition to以及reason, cause, lead to等词语将多种原因串联起来,取得很好的连贯效果。 常用的表示因果关系的过渡性连接词语有:(因)because, as, since, for, owing to, because of, due to, on account of, as a result of, for the first reason, result from; (果)thus, so, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, for this reason, on that account, as a result, as a consequence, it follows that …, result in, contribute to等。
Unit1 Travel旅游
Unit2 Family and Friends亲朋好友
Unit3 Shopping购物
Unit4 The Change of Chinese Family中国家庭的变化
Unit5 Animals动物
Unit6 EducationinChina中国教育
Unit7 Entertainment娱乐
Unit8 History of China中国历史
Unit9 Social Life社会生活
Unitl0 Overseas Study留学
Unit11 Unexpected Incidents突发事件
Unit12 Past Experiences往事
Unit13 A Place to Visit参观
Unit14 People人物
Unit15 Describe a Job描述工作
Unitl6 Mass Media大众传媒
Unit17 Wedding婚礼
Unit18 Dressing Style服装款式
Unit19 Leisure Activities闲暇生活
Unit20 Music音乐
Unit21 Transportation交通
Unit22 Festivals节日
Unit23 Symptoms症状
Unit24 Sports体育
Unit25 Globalization全球化
Unit26 Mobile Phones and Priracy手机与隐私
Unit27 Fighting against Drugs抵制
Unit28 One—Child Policy in China中国的计划生育政策
Unit29 Women in China中国妇女
Unit30 Environment环境
Unit31 JuvenileDelinquency少年犯罪
Unit32 DINKFamily丁克家庭
Unit33 Cloning Technology VS.Morality克隆技术与道德伦理
Unit34 Reading VS.Watching TV for Kids让孩子读书还是看电视?
Unit35 Capital Punishment死刑
Unit36 Plastic Surgery整容手术
Unit37 Anti—Aging延缓衰老
Unit38 Advertising广告
Unit39 City andCountryside都市与乡村
Unit40 Health健康
Unit41 Housing住房
Unit42 Retirement退休
Unit43 Welfare福利
Unit44 Food饮食
Unit45 Language语言
Unit46 Religious Belief宗教信仰
Unit47 Work工作
Unit48 Business Ethics企业道德
Unit49 Public Display ofAffection公开示爱
Unit50 Challenges for Today’S Students:Eduction and Profession

1. What’s your name?
2. Does your name have any special meaning?
3. Where do you come from?
4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?
5. What is the main crop in your hometown?
6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?
7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?
8. What is the climate like in your hometown?
9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?
10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?
11. What is people’s favorite food in your region?
12. How do you make dumplings?
13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?
14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?
15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?
16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.
17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.
18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.
19. How long have you lived in Beijing?
20. What is the weather like in Beijing?
1. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?
2. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ?
3. Which is the worst place you’ve been to China?
4. Which is the best place you’ve been to China?
5. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?
6. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?
7. What is the biggest problem China faces?
8. What troubles you most at the moment?
9. Could you tell me something about your family?
10. Have you any children?
11. What is your child’s name? Does his name have a meaning?
12 . What does your wife/husband do?
13. When did you get married?
14. Describe your wedding.
15. How have weddings changed in recent years?
16. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?
17. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.
18. Where did you go for your honeymoon?
19. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married?
20. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying?