I am very sorry about……对于……我们深表歉意。
I am writing to express my sincere apologies for……我写此文是为了就……致歉。
I am sorry for this oversight.对于这个疏忽我感到非常不好意思。
I don't know why this slip-up occurred.我不知道怎么会发生这个失误。
I was wrong about……对于……是我的错。
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.我希望你从内心里能原谅我。I am sure this mistake won't happen again.我肯定这种错误不会再发生了。I hope l hadn't inconvenienced you.我希望没有给您带来不便。
This was a mistake caused by……这个错误完全是由于……造成的。
Dear Susan,
I am writing to express my apologies for my oversight in not including you in the budget review meeting today. I don't know why my secretary didn't include your name on the list of attendees, but I should have recognized the mistake earlier.I hope that this slip-up hadn't inconvenienced you.I will be sure this mistake won't happen again.
Best regards,
Paul Lawrence
Dear Zhou Wei,
I'm sorry for our disagreement this morning. I was wrong to be angry with you about the way you have written the report.I didn't consider your point of view and I was unfair.I don't know what I can do to make it up to you, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.