社交用语—— 帮助 Help
Can I help?我能帮您吗?
Would you like a hand?您需要帮忙吗?
That’s very kind of you.您真是太好了。
Is there anything I can do?有什么我能做的吗?
Could you carry this box, please?您能搬走这箱子吗?
I need some help on the competitor analysis.我需要一些帮助来分析竞争对手。
I was wondering if there is any other research I could refer to.我想知道有没有其他我能参考的研究成果。
Can you give me a hand with this new travel brochure, please?您能帮助我做这本新旅游手册吗?
Sure thing. I'd be happy to help.当然,乐意效劳。