“The great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. And great things are not something accidental, but must certainly be willed.”
— Vincent van Gogh, Artist
「伟大的事不是在冲动下完成,而是经由完成一系列的小事情;而且伟大的事不是偶然发生,它一定要靠意念达成。」– 文森‧梵谷 (艺术家)
impulse (n.) 冲动,一时的念头。例:Her first impulse was to run. (她的第一个念头是赶快跑走。) accidental (adj.) 意外的,偶然的。例:accidental discovery (意外发现)。will (v.) 想要,意欲。例:The Crusades charged while shouting “God wills it.” (十字军口喊「上帝的旨意」向前冲。)