《月满轩尼诗》讲述的是两个孤独单身男女被双方家庭撮合到一起的故事,由汤唯和张学友(Jacky Cheung)主演,张学友未出席周日的首映。这部影片由岸西导演,她想通过此片探索人心的“神秘性”。
Chinese actress Tang Wei and director Ivy Ho appeared at the Hong Kong International Film Festival for the Sunday-night premiere of their romantic comedy 'Crossing Hennessy.'
中国女演员汤唯和电影导演岸西(Ivy Ho)在香港国际电影节上露面,出席她们合作的浪漫喜剧片《月满轩尼诗》(Crossing Hennessy)在周日晚间的首映。

Attendees at the sold-out premiere clamored for photos and autographs of Ms. Tang, whose appearance is her first since she was blacklisted in China following her graphic sex scenes in Ang Lee's controversial espionage drama 'Lust Caution.'
放映场内座无虚席,观众们大声索要汤唯的照片和签名,这是汤唯因出演《色戒》(Lust Caution)一片在中国大陆被封杀后首次出演电影。由李安(Ang Lee)导演的这部间谍片引起了广泛争议,片中有直露的性场面。
Ms. Tang, a native of mainland China and a Mandarin speaker, drew applause from the audience when she displayed the considerable Cantonese-language skills she also demonstrates in the movie.
'Crossing Hennessy' is the story of a pair of lonely singles - Ms. Tang and Jacky Cheung, a no-show at the premiere - pushed together by their families. It is described by second-time director Ms. Ho as an exploration of the 'mysteries' of the human heart.
《月满轩尼诗》讲述的是两个孤独单身男女被双方家庭撮合到一起的故事,由汤唯和张学友(Jacky Cheung)主演,张学友未出席周日的首映。这部影片由岸西导演,她想通过此片探索人心的“神秘性”。
Also appearing at the premiere were co-stars Paw Hee-ching, who won best actress at last year's Hong Kong Film Awards for 'The Way We Are,' Chinese-American actor Andy On, and veteran Hong Kong actor Lowell Lo. 'Crossing Hennessy' opens for general release in Hong Kong on April 1.
参演此片的鲍起静也出席了首映式,她去年凭借《天水围的日与夜》(The Way We Are)一片获得香港电影金像奖(Hong Kong Film Awards)最佳女演员奖。出席首映式的还有同样出演此片的美籍华人演员安志杰(Andy On)和香港资深演员卢冠廷(Lowell Lo)。《月满轩尼诗》将于4月1日在香港公开上映。