3-D movies continued to dominate the box office as 'How to Train Your Dragon' became the top-grossing film this weekend.
3D影片继续领跑票房,上周末的票房冠军是影片《驯龙记》(How to Train Your Dragon)。
The DreamWorks animated film took in $43.3 million at the domestic box office in its debut weekend.
由梦工厂(Dream Works)出品的这部影片上映首周末票房4,330万美元。
In recent months, the 3-D movies 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Avatar' have dominated the charts. Another major 3-D movie, 'Clash of the Titans' (Warner Bros.), starring 'Avatar's' Sam Worthington, is due out this week. (To read more about 'Clash of the Titans,' go here.)
连月来,3D影片《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)和《阿凡达》(Avatar)都曾各领风骚。另一部3D大片、华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)出品的《泰坦之战》(Clash of the Titans)将于本周上映,该片主演萨姆?沃辛顿(Sam Worthington)曾出演《阿凡达》。