Prince Charming:Did you ever doubt I would?你觉得我找不到你吗?
Snow White:Truthfully…说实话The glass coffin gave me pause.这玻璃棺材让我有了迟疑
Prince Charming:Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you.你不必担心,我总会找到你的
Snow White:Did you promise?你愿意发誓吗
Prince Charming:I do.我愿意
Pastor:And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband and love him forall eternity?白雪公主,你愿意让这个男人成为你的丈夫,爱他一生一世吗
双语释义:(noun) time with out end,especially lifecontinuing with out end after death(永恒,永生,不朽)
Eg.There’will be rich and poor for all eternity.贫富将永远存在。
双语释义1:(verb)to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value,pleasure,etc;to spoil sth毁坏,破坏,糟蹋
Eg.The bad weather ruined our trip.天气恶劣破坏了我们的旅行。
双语释义2:(noun)the state or process of being destroyed or severely damaged毁坏,破坏,毁灭
Eg. A large number of churches fell into ruin after the revolution.革命过后,许多教堂都毁了。
双语释义1:(verb) to damage sth so badly that it no longer exisits,works,etc.摧毁,毁灭,破坏
Eg. The building was completely destroyed by fire.这栋建筑物被大火彻底烧毁了。
双语释义2: to kill an animal deliberately.usually because it is sick or not wanted(因动物有病活不需要而)杀死,消灭,人道毁灭
Eg.The injured horse had to be destroyed.这匹马受伤了,只好送它回老家了。
Snow White:I do.我愿意
Pastor:I now pronounce you husband and wife.我现在宣布你们成为夫妻
Queen:Sorry I’m late.对不起我来迟了
The dwarfs:It’s the queen.是皇后Run!快跑
Snow White:She’s not the queen anymore.她不再是皇后了She’s nothing more than an evil witch.她只不过是个邪恶的女巫
Prince Charming:No ,no ,no.不要Don’t stoop to her level. There’s no need.没必要和她一般见识You’re wasting your time.你这是在浪费你的时间You’ve already lost, and I will not let you ruin thiswedding.你已经输了 ,你想破坏婚礼,我不会让你得逞的
Queen:Oh, I haven’t come here to ruin anything我不来捣乱的On the contrary, dear.相反,亲爱的I’ve come to give you a gift.我是来送你们礼物的
Snow White:I want nothing from you.我们不想要你的东西
Queen:But you shall have it.但这是你因该得的My gift to you...我的礼物是……is this happy , happyday,在这个高兴的日子里For tomorrow my real work begins.明天我将开始做我的正事You’ve madeyour vows.你已经许下誓言了Now I make mine.现在轮到我了Soon everything you love,很快,你珍爱的所有东西Everything all of you love ,你们所有人挚爱的一切will be taken from you forever.都将永远离你而去And out of your suffering ,你的苦难will rise my victory .将奠定我的成功I shall destroy yourhappiness ,我会倾尽一生if it is the last thing I do.摧毁你的幸福
Prince Charming:Hey!站住