Ban Chao (bān chāo 班超) was a famous diplomat and military figure of the Eastern Han Dynasty (dōng hàn 东汉). In 73 AD, Ban Chao and 36 subordinates were on a diplomatic mission to the kingdoms of the Tarim Basin, and first arrived at the kingdom of Kroran, also known as Loulan (lóu lán 楼兰) or Shanshan (shàn shàn 鄯善).
The king at first gave them a warm reception, but after some time, he began to be cold and rude towards them. Ban Chao investigated and found that a large Xiongnu delegation had also arrived, so that the king's attitude towards the Han dynasty had begun to waver .Ban Chao assembled his men and told them that the situation was grave. Arguing that "without entering the tiger's den, one cannot capture the tiger's cub", Ban Chao decided that the only solution was to risk everything in a sneak attack on the Xiongnu delegation that night.
At night, Ban Chao and his 36 men snuck up to the Xiongnu camp. Ten of them hid behind the camp with drums, while the others lay in ambush with weapons at either side in front of the camp. Then they set a fire right outside the camp and began shouting and beating drums at the same time. The Xiongnu woke up in confusion and panicked, thinking a large Han army was attacking them. Over 30 of them were killed in the ambush, including the leader of the delegation. More than a hundred others were killed by the fire. The next day, Ban Chao met the king of Kroran and showed him the severed head of the Xiongnu leader. The king then decided to ally with the Eastern Han.
班超是东汉注明的外交家军事家。永平十六年(73年),班超带着一队人马,来到了新疆。东道主把班超奉为上宾。 过了几天,鄯善王拒不接见班超,态度十分冷淡。班超得知匈奴也派使者来和鄯善王联络感情,鄯鄯王热情款待他们。匈奴人在主人面前,说了东汉许多坏话,所以 鄯善王的态度才急转直下。班超立刻召集大家商量对策。班超说:“只有除掉匈奴使者才能消除主人的疑虑,两国和好。” 班超说:“不入虎穴,焉得虎子!”这天深夜,班超带了36个士兵潜到匈奴营地。他们兵分两路,一路拿着战鼓躲在营地后面,一路手执弓箭刀枪埋伏在营地两 旁。他们一面放火烧帐篷,一面击鼓呐喊。匈奴人惊醒并大乱,以为一支强大的汉军队伍在袭击他们,结果全被大火烧死。 第二天,班超手提匈奴首领的首级觐见鄯善王,鄯善王明白了真相,便和班超言归于好,成功结盟。