阅读是一切知识的基础,想要持续阅读,兴趣很关键。以下是小编整理的关于英语故事:The Gold Colt and the Fire Dragon Shirt的内容,希望你能喜欢!
There once lived a landlord who loved money as he loved his own life. In his eyes the smallest coin seemed as large as a millstone. He was always on the lookoutfor some new way of making money and was very mean to his peasant tenantsthe area, ruining the entire crop. The peasants, who were used to living from year to year, and never had a reserve of grain to fall back on, were reduced to eating bark and roots to survive, and now even these were all consumed. Starvation drove them to ask for a loan of grain from Skinflint, whose granaries, big and small, were filled to overflowingand the flour was swarmingwith maggots, he was such a miserthat he wouldn't part with a single speckof either. His peasants went away seethingwith anger and resentmenta scraggy little horse. They stuffed the silver up the horse's behind and bunged it up with a wad of cotton floss. Then they selected one of their number, a peasant whose gift of gabhad earned him the nickname "Bigmouth" and who was credited with the power of talking the dead out of their graves. They sent him to Skinflint with the horse. Seeing them enter, Skinflint flew into a rage. His whiskers bristledat Bigmouth, pointing at him angrily and shouting, "You damn fool! You have fouledmy courtyard enough. Get out of my sight!"
"Please keep your voice down, Master," said Bigmouth with a cunning smile. "If you frighten my horse and make him bolt, you'd have to sell everything you've got to make good the damage."
"There you go, Bigmouth, braggingagain!" said Skinflint. "What can this scraggy little horse of yours possibly be worth?"
To which Bigmouth replied, "Oh, nothing, except that when he moves his bowelssilver and gold come out."
In an instant Skinflint's anger evaporated and he hastened to ask, "Where did you get hold of this beast?"
"I dreamt a dream the night before last," began Bigmouth. "I met a white-bearded old man who said to me, 'Bigmouth, the colt who used to carry gold and silver ingots for the God of Wealth has been demoted and sent down to Earth. Go to the northeast and catch him. When he moves his bowels, silver and gold come out. If you catch him, you'll make a fortune.' Then the old man gave me a push and I woke up. I didn't take it seriously, thinking it to be nothing but a dream. I turned over and fell asleep again. However, as soon as I closed my eyes, the old man reappeared and urged me to hurry up. 'The horse will fall into another's hands if you delay!' he said, and gave me another push which woke me up again. I put on my clothes and ran out. In the northeast I saw a ball of fire. When I ran over, sure enough, there was the colt, grazing contentedlyburner and as soon as I lit the incense, the colt began to produce silver ingots from its behind."
"Did it really?" asked Skinflint eagerly.
Bigmouth replied, "There's an old proverb which says, 'The proof of the pudding is in the eating.' If you don't believe me, allow me to arrange a demonstrationonto the plate. On seeing the horse perform like this, Skinflint asked avidlythat he must buy him, and talked it over with Bigmouth.
At first Bigmouth pretended to be unwillingto himself. He was afraid of losing the horse, however, and tried to tie him up in a great many places, but none of them seemed safe enough. Finally, he tied him up in his own living room. He laid a red carpet on the floor and set up an incense burner. The whole family watched the colt in eager anticipationlegs. Skinflint sensed that he was about to "produce." He quickly brought over a lacquered tray and held it right below the horse's behind. He waited for ages, but nothing happened. Skinflint was so anxious by now that he lifted the horse's tail, bentdown and peered upwardsto keep an eye on further developments. There was a sudden "splash," and before Skinflint could do anything about it, the horse had splattered him all over his face. The "liquid gold" ran down the back of his head and down his neck, covering his whole body. The stench was so vilethat Skinflint started jumping and shouting and then felt nauseous and began to vomitagain and again. Next the horse urinated in great quantity, ruining the lovely red carpet. The whole room stunkto high heaven. Skinflint realized that he had been cheated, and in a fit of rage, he killed the horse.
The following morning, first thing, he sent some of his hired thugs to track down Bigmouth. But the peasants had already hidden him away. Skinflint's men searched for him high and low but always came back empty handed, to his fury and exasperationup in a corner, trembling with cold. As the cold was becoming unbearablewith it in his arms. He soon warmed up and started sweating. He passed the entire night in this way, walking around with the millstone and occasionally stopping for a rest.
Early next morning Skinflint thought Bigmouth must surely be dead. But when he unlocked the mill door, to his great surprise, he found Bigmouth squattingthere in a halo of steam, his whole body in a muck of sweat. Bigmouth stood up at once and begged him, "Master, take pity on me! Quick, lend me a fan! Or I shall die of heat!"
"How come you are so hot?" asked the dumbfounded Skinflint.
"This shirt of mine is a priceless heirloom," Bigmouth explained. "It's called the Fire Dragon Shirt. The colder the weather, the greater the heat it gives off."
"When did you get hold of it?"
"Originally it was the peltcast off by the Lord Fire Dragon. Then the Queen of the Western Heaven wove it into a shirt. Later on it somehow fell into the possession of my ancestors and became a family heirloom. It has been passed down from generation to generation until finally it came into my hands."
Seeing how unbearablyhot he was, Skinflint swallowed the whole story. He was now set on getting hold of this Fire Dragon Shirt and had completely forgotten the episode of the gold colt. He insisted on barteringhis fox-fur gown for the shirt. Bigmouth absolutely refused at first, but when Skinflint added fifty taels of silver to the price, he said with a sigh, "Alaswith cold, and soon he died.
Several days later the family found his body. They knew that he had been cheated again by Bigmouth, and sent men to seize him.
"My precious shirt burns whenever it comes into contact with kindling, grass or timber," explained Bigmouth. "The master must have been burned to death in this way. I am not to blame. I never told him to hide inside a tree. If you look, you will see that half of the tree has been burnt away."
When the family examined the tree and saw that it was indeed as Bigmouth had described, they had no choice but to set him free.
以上就是英语故事:The Gold Colt and the Fire Dragon Shirt的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!