阅读是一切知识的基础,想要持续阅读,兴趣很关键。以下是小编整理的关于英语故事:The Maiden Fair and the Fountain Fairy的内容,希望你能喜欢!
Long, long ago a drover courted and married the Millerof Cuthilldorie's only daughter. The drover learned how to grind the corn, and so he set up with his young wife as the Miller of Cuthilldorie when the old miller died. They did not have very much money to begin with, but an old Highlanderlent them some silver, and soon they did well.By and by the young miller and his wife had a daughter, but on the very night she was born the fairies stole her away. The wee thing was carried far away from the house into the wood of Cuthilldorie, where she was found on the very lip of the Black Well. In the air was heard a lilting:
- "O we'll come back again, my honey, my hert,
- We'll come back again, my ain kind dearie;
- And you will mind upon a time
- When we met in the wood at the Well so wearie!"
One dark night there came a woodcock with a glowing tinder in its beakthrough the wood after dark, you might have heard him playing with the water, and singing the same song:
- "O when will you come, my honey, my hert,
- O when will you come, my ain kind dearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood at the Well so wearie?"
- "O come with me, my honey, my hert,
- O come with me, my ain kind dearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood at the Well so wearie?"
The King and Queen of the Fairies invited her to stay, and said she would be well looked after. But if she wanted to go home again, she must never tell anybody where she had been or what she had seen.
She said she wanted to go home, and promised to do as she was told.
Then the King said:
"The first stranger you meet, give him oatmeal."
"Give him oatcakes," said the Queen.
"Give him butter," said her King.
"Give him a drink of the Black Well water," they both said.
Then they gave her twelve drops of liquid in a wee green bottle, three drops for the oatmeal, three for the oatcakes, three for the butter and three for the Black Well water.
She took the green bottle in her hand, and suddenly it was dark. She was flying through the air, and when she opened her eyes she was at her own doorstep. She slipped away to bed, glad to be home again, and said nothing about where she had been or what she had seen.
Next morning, before the sun was up, there came a rap, rap, rap, three times at the door. The sleepy lass looked out and saw an old beggar man, who began to sing:
- "O open the door, my honey, my hert,
- O open the door, my ain kind dearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood at the Well so wearie?"
- "O gie me my oatmeal, my honey, my hert,
- O gie me my oatmeal, my ain hinddearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood at the Well so wearie?"
- "O gie me my oatcakes, my honey, my hert,
- O gie me my oatcakes, my ain kind dearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood at the Well so wearie?"
- "O gie me my butter, my honey, my hert,
- O gie me my butter, my ain kind dearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood by the Well so wearie?"
- "O gie me my water, my honey, my hert,
- O gie me my water, my ain kind dearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood by the Well so wearie?"
- "O gie me my water, my honey, my hert,
- O gie me my water, my ain kind dearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood by the Well so wearie?"
They sat down beside the Black Well.
"I was born the same night as you," he said, "and I was carried away by the fairies the same night as you were found on the lip of the Well. I was a goblin for so many years because the fairies were scared away. They made me play many tricks before they would let me go and return to my father, the King of France, and make the bonniest lass in all the world my bride."
"Who is she?" asked the maiden.
"The Miller of Cuthilldorie's daughter," said the young Prince.
Then they went home and told their stories over again, and that very night they were married. A coach and four came for them, and the miller and his wife, and the Prince and the Princess, drove away singing:
- "O but we're happy, my honey, my hert,
- O but we're happy, my ain kind dearie;
- For don't you mind upon the time
- We met in the wood at the Well so wearie?"
以上就是英语故事:The Maiden Fair and the Fountain Fairy的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!