阅读是一切知识的基础,想要持续阅读,兴趣很关键。以下是小编整理的关于英语故事:The Cheating Wife的内容,希望你能喜欢!
Marcus Osborne sat on his office chair with his feet proppedman with thinning hair and rimlessin a low voice. "You have been highly recommended to me. I have a very sensitive matter to discuss and I've heard your agency is very discreetreport. When would you like it?" "I guess two weeks will be good enough. Unless you think you should follow her longer." "We'll see ... but two weeks may be okay." "Fine. This is my card with my address. And here is an envelope with her picture and a check for an advance payment. I already know your rate. Please don't spare any expense." "What's your wife's name?" "Christine Ann." Osborne held his breath. Christine Ann was his lover's name. This man must be her husband. He opened the envelope and looked at the picture and the check, hoping to gain time and recover his cool. Jones perceived his seriousness as a desire to start work on the job at once. "I see you're a man of few words. I'm sure you'll give me a thorough report next time I see you. Good day." Marcus finally found his voice. "Good day, Mr. Jones," he said, getting up from his chair and walking his new client to the door. After Jones was gone, Marcus sat down again at his desk. He was stunnedand a glass. He poured himself a generous shot and, while sippingit, pondered how to handle this trickysituation. So his new client was Christine Ann's husband. Not much to look at, he thought. No wonder she wants to get a divorce and marry me. Besides, he thought, she's in love with me. He knew he couldn't give this client a true report. Still, he had to make a report. He decidedto give his operative Scott Palmer the job and to stay away from Christine Ann during the two weeks of the investigationto his boss. Quickly, Osborne took out the original and gave it to his client, keeping the duplicate face down in front of him. Jones read the report without a change of expression. When he finished, he looked at Osborne directly and said, "Three." "Beg your pardon?" "I was afraid of something like this. Three of them in only two weeks.""What are you talking about?" "Your report. It's really complete. It shows that she had three lovers in two weeks." Osborne chokedon his coffee, spilling some on top of the copy of the report in front of him. He exclaimed, "What!? Oh, pardon me." And, using the excuse of wiping the coffee from each page of the report, started reading it. When he finished, he felt weak and exhausted. With an effort, he raised his eyes to the face of his client, who, with a knowing look, asked slowly, enunciating each word very clearly, in a tone that really didn't anticipate an answer,"Don't you believe that there are some women you just can't trust?"以上就是英语故事:The Cheating Wife的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!