阅读是一切知识的基础,想要持续阅读,兴趣很关键。以下是小编整理的关于英语故事:The First Woman的内容,希望你能喜欢!
The story (absurd enough!) is that Jupiter made the first woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their presumptionin stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting the gift. This first human of the fair sex was named Pandora. She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her. Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasionarticles, for which, in fitting man for his new adobethemselves far and wide. Pandora hastened to replace the lid; but alasleaves us; and while we have that, no amount of other ills can make us completely wretched.
Another story is that Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to bless man; that she was furnished with a box, containing her marriage blessing. She opened the box incautiously, and the blessing all escaped, hope only excepted. This story seems more probable than the former; for how hope, so precious a jewel as it is, have been kept in a jar full of all manner of evils, as in the former statement?
以上就是英语故事:The First Woman的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!