A famous doctor, Bian Que, after seeing Duke Huan of the state of Cai, told him that his illness had intrudedinto his skin and he needed to be treated immediately. But the Duke felt he was in good health and thought that Bian Que just wanted to take credit, so he ignored him. Ten days later, Bian Que advised the Duke to take treatments when the illness was only ion the flesh, but the Duke still had not said anything. Another ten days had passed before Bian Que told the Duke that his illness had moved to his intestinesillness. 名医扁鹊见到蔡桓公后,告诉桓公他的疾病已入侵皮肤,要赶快治疗。 桓公觉得自己的身体很好,认为扁鹊是想邀功,就没有理睬。 十天后,扁鹊劝说桓公趁病入侵肌体,事尽快诊治,桓公还是不吱声。 又过了十天,扁鹊说桓公病入肠胃,桓公还是不信。再过十天,扁鹊见到桓公,一句话没说,转身便离开了。 桓公派人去问他,扁鹊说,病在皮肤、肌体、肠胃可以通过敷药、熏药、针灸、服用清火药剂等手段治疗,现已病已骨髓,治不好了。 五天以后,桓公浑身疼痛,而扁鹊已逃往秦国。不久,桓公因伤病发作,治疗无效而死去。以上就是英语故事:讳疾忌医的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!