A: What did you say?
B: I said it's a lovely day. Why don't we go for a walk?
A: Well, I feel a little tired.
B: Come on! A little labor, much health.
A: Then can you wait a few minutes? I want to finish writing this letter.
B: Don't take too long. It would be a shame not to take advantage of such lovely weather.
A: I won't be long. No more than ten minutes. Why don't you go ahead and I'll meet you in the park?
B: Believe I will. Look for me near the lake.
A: 你说什么?
B: 我说天气这么好,我们何不去散散步呢?
A: 嗯,我有点累了。
B: 嘿,来吧。生命在于运动。
A: 那你能等我几分钟吗?我想把这封信写完。
B: 别写太久。这么好的天气不好好利用,太可惜了。
A: 一会儿就写完。要不了十分钟。你何不先走一步,我待会到公园找你吧。
B: 我是得先走。你到湖边找我吧。