A: What do you like to order?
B: I'd like ham and eggs, please.
A: How do you want your eggs?
B: What are my choices?
A: Scrambled, sunny side up, over-easy, and over-hard.
B: Scrambled. Please. Hm, no, I think I want sunny side-up.
A: Is there anything else?
B: One orange juice. Make it small, please.
A: 你要点什么?
B: 请给我来点火腿和鸡蛋。
A: 你的鸡蛋要怎样的做法?
B: 你们有些什么做法?
A: 炒的,煎一面的,有嫩点的也有老点的。
B: 请来炒蛋吧。嗯,不要了,我想我还是要煎一面的吧。
A: 还要其它吗?
B: 一杯桔子汁。请来小杯的。