Section 23
Why is it called a newspaper?
Because it contains news of course.
But Modern newspapers contain much more than just news.
They have competitions and puzzles and advice.
They are one of the oldest forms of mass communication.
They are printed in virtually every language in the world.
Newspapers find their way into almost every home in the world.
Some print pictures in color today.
Some are more like magazines than newspapers.
Front page news is a term from newspapers, which has come into our daily language.
Try to think of all the kinds of newspapers there are, what about company newspapers, local newspapers, national and international financial newspapers?
There are too many to know them all.
But we can know the importance of newspapers.
How many uses do you know for old newspapers?
Section 23 Newspapers二十三 报纸
1.Why is it called a newspaper? 它为什么被称作报纸?
2.Because it contains news of course. 当然因为它包含了新闻。
3.But Modern newspapers contain much more than just news. 然而,现代报纸所包含的内容远不只是新闻。
4.They have competitions and puzzles and advice. 他们有竞赛题、填词魔方和建议。
5.They are one of the oldest forms of mass communication. 它们是大众传播最古老的方式。
6.They are printed in virtually every language in the world. 几乎世界上的每一种语言都有报纸。
7.Newspapers find their way into almost every home in the world. 世界上几乎每个家庭都有报纸。
8.Some print pictures in color today. 现在,有些报纸的图片是彩色的。
9.Some are more like magazines than newspapers. 有些与其说是报纸,不如说更像杂志。
10.Front page news is a term from newspapers, which has come into our daily language. “首页新闻”是一个报纸用语,它已成为我们的日常用语。
11.Try to think of all the kinds of newspapers there are, 试着想想各种不同的报纸。
12.what about company newspapers, local newspapers, national and international financial newspapers? 公司内部报纸、地方报纸、国内及国际新闻报纸,怎么呢?
13.There are too many to know them all. 太多了,实在无法全都了解。
14.But we can know the importance of newspapers. 但我们知道报纸的重要性。
15.How many uses do you know for old newspapers? 你知道旧报纸有几种用途吗?