Section 39
Language is one of the major forms of communication between people.
Speech and writing are the main components of a language.
By introducing grammar into language, we make it easier to communicate.
The structure of language is different between languages.
Word order, tense, noun and verb forms may vary.
Some languages, like French and German, give nouns a gender.
Others may change the verb according to gender.
Some, like English, do not give genders to either noun or verb.
The number of words used in a language varies considerably.
In English, there are as many as almost 2,000,000 words which can be used.
Only about 60,000 are used daily and in fact 10,000 words are enough to communicate well in English.
One of the difficulties with language is that it is rarely static.
That is language is always changing as cultures meet and exchange ideas.
New words enter our languages every year, most are technical or scientific.
The variety of languages in the world makes it more interesting than if we all spoke just one language.
Section 39 Languages三十九 语言
1.Language is one of the major forms of communication between people. 语言是人与人之间交流的主要方式之一。
2.Speech and writing are the main components of a language. 言语和文字是语言的重要组成部分。
3.By introducing grammar into language, we make it easier to communicate. 自从有了语法,人们之间的交流变得容易了。
4.The structure of language is different between languages. 不同语言的语言结构有所不同。
5.Word order, tense, noun and verb forms may vary. 词语顺序、时态、名词和动词的结构会有所不同。
6.Some languages, like French and German, give nouns a gender. 有些语言,如法语、德语规定了名词的格。
7.Others may change the verb according to gender. 有些也许会根据不同的人称改变动词的形式。
8.Some, like English, do not give genders to either noun or verb. 有些语言,比如英语对名词和动词都不规定格。
9.The number of words used in a language varies considerably. 各种语言所使用的词语数量也有很大的区别。
10.In English, there are as many as almost 2,000,000 words which can be used. 英语大约有两百万个不同的单词。
11.Only about 60,000 are used daily and in fact 10,000 words are enough to communicate well in English. 日常用语中有6万个单词,但实际上只要有一万个单词就可以很好地用英语交流。
12.One of the difficulties with language is that it is rarely static. 语言的难点之一,就是它不是不变的。
13.That is language is always changing as cultures meet and exchange ideas. 也就是说随着文化的交流和观念的交流,语言会发生变化。
14.New words enter our languages every year, most are technical or scientific. 每年都会有新词(产生),它们大都是科技类词语。
15.The variety of languages in the world makes it more interesting than if we all spoke just one language. 语言的多样性,让世界更加丰富多彩,这比只有一种语言更好。