1.Would you like to go to a movie? 看电影
2.What`s on tonight? 上映什么?
3.What movie do you want to see?
4.I want to see....
5.Where is playing...?
6.How long is playing?上映
7.Who is in this movie? 谁演的
8.How long does it last? 上映多久?
9.What time is the next showing?
10.What time will it be over?
11.Two, please. 两张全票
12.I can`t see because of the person in front of me.
13.We`re away in the back, aren`t we? 后面
14.Let`s sit closer up front. 我们坐前面一点
15.That was interesting,wasn`t it? 好看
16. That was boring, wasn`t it? 无聊
17.I was moved. 感动